Page 89 of Secret Pucking Play

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Especially now.

The thousand-and-one thoughts in my head need a break. It doesn't help that Lexi is adding in a few thoughts of her own.

She’s now the main correspondent covering NHL games for her sports streaming company, and she's never been happier. Her notebook poised like a sword ready for battle, she's half-engrossed in our reigning champs' practice and half-engrossed in asking me heart-attack-inducing questions about the upcoming winter holidays just weeks away.

She sighs, her blond curls bobbing gently underneath her beanie. "So, you and Jacob are officially throwing the Christmas party this year? About time you guys hosted at your new place." She nudges me with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Maybe this time the two of you will actually stay past nine p.m."

I roll my eyes, but can't fight back the grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. "Hey, leaving that Halloween party early was not totally our fault. Jacob had an early morning practice and game."

"And so did all the rest of his Blades teammates. But I'm pretty sure only the two of you managed to sneak away and bump uglies in the guest bedroom while everyone else was still partying."

I'd deny it. But I can't.

I also can't deny that it was a pretty memorable Halloween party, and not just for that scandalous—or slightly embarrassing—reason.

It was also the night Jacob asked me to move in with him. In front of all our friends, no less.

I can still feel his arms wrapped around me as we stood under the flickering string lights on our deck, his warm breath against my ear as he showed me around the new estate he'd purchased for our little family of three.

Or, should I say, four?

I glance down at my stomach, already slightly rounded at just one month pregnant, and smile.

Just then Lexi's voice interrupts my ruminating. "So, I'm guessing that most of the planning for the party is finished now? Need any help?"

I inhale, blowing out a deep breath. "Honestly? There's a lot going on. You know that Jacob's estranged from his father and stepmother, and now his dad is trying to reconnect with him."

"Hmph. Probably figured he'd get in on his son's bonus check for winning the championship last season."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Maybe. Jacob's not the type to give in to that kind of manipulation. But his dad does seem to want to be a part of little Chiara's life."

"Interesting." She glances down at my stomach, hidden beneath my sweater. "And what about your new little buffalo-in-the-making?"

I cough, nearly choking on my hot cocoa. "How did you…"

"I have eyes and a brain, Gabs. Your face is glowing, and you've been even more emotional than usual lately."

"Thanks for that reminder."

"Not to mention your ‘pregnancy behavior’ is starting to show. The stress shopping, the lasagna dinners with extra dark chocolate desserts, and the sudden interest in floral patterns. It's all very telling."

"Dammit. I...I was trying to hold onto the secret a little longer." I bite my lip, gazing apologetically at my best friend. "I swear I only found out a couple of days ago, Lex. I wanted to tell Jacob first, but between his absentee dad trying to tap-dance back into his life and the Blades' tough schedule, I haven't found a good time. And now, with the holidays coming up…"

"Stop." Lexi's tone is gentle but firm. "Don't apologize for living your life, Gabi. You and Jacob have known each other all your lives. He'll understand. And you already know I do."

I nod, feeling tears prick my eyes. "Thanks, Lex."

She grins impishly and pats my arm. "Besides...I'm sure that man can smell the pregnancy on you. He has Gabi-goggles on at all times. Are you sure he hasn't already figured it out?"

"Knowing Jacob, he probably senses something's off. But I still want to tell him myself."

"Of course." She squeezes my arm before releasing it and sipping her cocoa. "So, when are you planning on telling him?"

"I was thinking maybe on Christmas Eve. We always have a family dinner with his parents and mine, so it would be the perfect opportunity."

"Aw, that's so sweet and romantic!" Lexi sighs dreamily.

"Romantic? More like chaotic and overwhelming."

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