Page 51 of Secret Pucking Play

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Of course, Coach called an impromptu meeting right when we were supposed to figure out our lives.

Perfect timing, much?

The only bright spot in all this? The fact that Lexi is here.

Having my best friend as my companion and health advocate has been a blessing during this rollercoaster of a pregnancy. Plus, she's great at distracting me from my impending bladder explosion.

"So, what do you think?" Lexi asks, trying to lighten the mood as we wait for the doctor. "You're getting closer and closer to delivery? Boy or girl?"

I drill her with a stare. "Lex...How many times do I have to tell you? It doesn't matter to me. As long as the baby is healthy."

"I know, I know. But come on, have you had any motherly intuition kicking in?"

"None whatsoever." I laugh and then wince as the baby kicks against my ribcage. "Okay, maybe that's not entirely true."

Lexi grins and pats my hand. "You'll be an amazing mom no matter what." She hesitates. "And look, I understand if you're nervous about Jacob being a dad. I mean, I have written about the guy's love life so much that he should personally write me a check for keeping him in the headlines."

"Um, that's not a positive spin there, Lex. You do know that your 'headlines' are the reason Gio has asked me if I personally know anyone he can pay to put itching powder in your underwear?"

"God, your brother is so uptight. I can't help it if he's the league's 'bad boy'. Someone has to keep the fans entertained." She wiggles her eyebrows suggestively. "Plus, I think he secretly likes the attention."

"Well, just try not to give him a heart attack with your antics while I'm trying to push a human out of my body. And as for Jacob..." I sigh "As soon as I know what we are doing, I'll be the first to inform you and the press."

Lexi's laugh echoes through the sterile room. It’s almost warm enough to make me forget I'm in this drafty hospital gown. "Hey, it's my job to ask the hard-hitting questions. Plus, isn't it entertaining to hear you squirm?"

"Oh, absolutely. Nothing pleases a pregnant woman more than discussing her dysfunctional love life while contemplating the nagging existence of her bladder."

"Can’t blame a girl for trying. Like I've said before, Gab, you gotta trust what your gut is telling you."

"Right now, my gut's telling me I should've skipped that second burrito last night," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "But honestly, I don’t know. Everything’s so complicated. We've got the playoffs, the baby, the drama—it’s like a soap opera minus the conveniently timed amnesia."

Before she can respond, the door creaks open, and my doctor walks in with a smile that can only be described as suspiciously optimistic.

"Well, well, well," she says with a smile. "Looks like we have a big kickboxer in here." She jots down some notes on my chart and then glances at Lexi. "You must be..."

"Gabi's best friend. Alexandra Brookes.” Lexi grins and extends her hand to the doctor.

"I'm Dr. Carson." The doctor shakes Lexi's hand before turning to me. "So, how are you feeling today? Any contractions or other signs of labor?"

"No, nothing yet." I sigh and try to adjust myself on the uncomfortable exam table. "But I've been feeling really off lately."

Dr. Carson nods sympathetically. "Well, that's completely normal at this stage in your pregnancy. Your body is going through a lot of changes and getting ready for labor and delivery. Just make sure to let us know if anything feels different or concerning."

I nod, trying to ignore the sudden surge of fear and excitement that shoots through me at the thought of giving birth.

"And how about your sleep? Have you been able to take advantage of naps during the day?" Dr. Carson asks with a knowing smile.

"Ha!" Lexi laughs, her hand flying to her mouth. "She hasn't slept in days. I swear she's living off of caffeine-free tea and sheer determination at this point."

I roll my eyes at Lexi before looking back at Dr. Carson.

"Well, in that case, I recommend taking it easy and trying to rest as much as possible," Dr. Carson says, scribbling something down on a prescription pad. She hands it to me with a wink. "Here's something to help you relax and get some sleep."

"Thank you so much," I say gratefully, feeling hopeful for the first time in weeks. By the time the doctor leaves the room, Lexi is already making plans for a weekend getaway to help me unwind.

"Looks like we have some pampering and relaxation in our future," she grins, hazel eyes shining. "We've gotta get Baby Blades in there in order. That munchkin of yours clearly plans to score some fancy footwork in utero, but if we want you calm and rested, you need to start working on chilling out. Like, right now."

"Lex, you know I love you, but you have no idea what it's like trying to sleep right now. Every time I close my eyes, it's like I've got a football game happening inside me. Baby Blades seems to be practicing for the next World Cup or something."

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