Page 50 of Secret Pucking Play

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"Yeah, of course. I mean, what could possibly go wrong with a fake engagement, right?"

"Right,” he says, his voice dropping. "Look, Jacob. Gabi’s my sister, and I don’t want her getting hurt. Especially with your...track record.”

I glance around the table. The other guys are still caught up in their banter, oblivious to this side conversation turned interrogation session.

I lean in closer to Giovanni, lowering my own voice. "I get it, Gio. Really, I do. But trust me, Gabi knows this is all for show." I swallow, the lie in my throat going down like glass. "Nothing's going to happen that Gabi doesn't want to happen."

He narrows his eyes, studying my face like he’s looking for cracks in a dam. “Bro, I love you. But it better not. Because if it does, you’ll have more than just midnight sessions with a crying baby to worry about. You get me?"

His smile returns, but it doesn't quite reach his eyes.

I nod. "Gio, bro. You're about as subtle as a bull in a china shop. I'll be careful, I promise."

Giovanni claps me on the shoulder, a little harder than necessary. "Good. Now, let's get back to dinner before they start thinking we're plotting an escape or something." He flashes a quick smile and turns back to the group.

I exhale slowly, catching Halstead’s eye across the table. He raises an eyebrow, and I just shake my head, mouthing, "Later."

Tonight’s definitely more than just a dinner—it's a dance on a very delicate tightrope.

The team's laughter fills the room again, pulling me back into the moment, but the guilt sits like a stone in my stomach. I've lied before—to my father about skipped classes, to press reporters about my injuries, and even to dates when an exit strategy was my only escape.

But lying to Gio? My best friend?

That's a first, and it stings.

I start to wonder if all this deception is even worth it. Is Gabi really in love with me, or is she just swept up in the whirlwind we've created?

A part of me can't shake the doubt.

What if this bubble of chemistry between Gabi and I bursts and leaves us both shattered? And then there's the impending fatherhood. The thought sends a jolt through me, as if I've just been body-checked on the ice.

How will I juggle being a dad while trying to maintain my career in hockey? My mind races through scenarios, each one more daunting than the last.

I reach for my water glass, my hands suddenly feeling like they belong to someone else. Everything's happening too fast, and for the first time in a long while, I feel completely out of control.

The decision can't wait any longer. With the baby's arrival inching closer and my relationship with Gio hanging by a thread, Gabi and I need to figure this out before it all comes crashing down.

Maybe it's for the best that she's back in Chicago right now. The distance might give us both the space we need to think clearly. I'll be back in Chicago for Game Two in three days.

Three days to breathe, to plan, and hopefully to find some clarity.

I grab my phone and shoot off a quick text to Gabi, "Hey, we need to talk. Let's meet when I get back to Chicago. We need to decide what we're doing about us."

As I hit send, my stomach flips like I've just taken a hit on the ice.

Three days. That's it.

Three days to come up with an answer that'll determine the rest of our lives. The thought is terrifying, yet oddly relieving. At least there's a deadline now, an end to this emotional hell.

I glance over at Gio, who's absorbed in conversation, completely oblivious to the tornado of decisions swirling in my head. I just hope that when the dust settles, we're all still standing.

For better or worse, Gabi and I will have our answer soon enough.

Chapter 18


Isit on the cold examination table, the crinkly paper beneath me adding to my irritation. I'm eight months pregnant and my bladder has never felt more compromised, but no, Jacob and I couldn’t meet today.

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