Page 43 of Secret Pucking Play

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I flinch, glancing up, my breath hitching as I meet a pair of familiar eyes. Eyes I would recognize anywhere.

Eyes belonging to Jacob.

He's standing right in front of me, looking just as he did the last time I saw him, except now there's a soft black cast wrapped around one of his wrists...and there's softness in his gaze that wasn't there before.

He blinks down at me, his aqua-blue irises filled with something I can't quite decipher. "Need some help?"

I straighten up—well, as much as a woman at seven months pregnant can—and take the keys from him, our fingers grazing ever so slightly.

I exhale. "I think I do."

"Good." He nods. "Because I'm not sure how much longer I could've watched you struggle without jumping in. And I mean that in every way possible, Gabs."

I can't help but smile, despite the situation. "Well, thanks for sparing me your judgmental stares, then."

"Anytime." His eyes grin even if his mouth doesn't. He looks towards my front door and back. "So...are you going to let me in or what?"

Chapter 15


With every inch of space closing between us, my heart hammers louder, almost drowning out the pounding of the rain on the pavement.

She steps aside, and I slip in, the door closing behind us with a soft click.

Right now, I can't shake the image of her struggling with the keys, the curve of her belly.

And I can't wait another second.

Before she can say a word, I cup her face in my hands and kiss her.

It's nothing like the longing, cautious pecks we've shared in the past. In Nonna's house. In New York.

No. This kiss is demanding. Desperate, even. It’s a testament to all the words we’ve left unsaid for years.

Gabi's lips part in surprise, but she doesn't pull away. Instead, she melts into me, her hands finding their place on my chest.

There's a subtle shift in the air between us.

Now that I know—now that I know she's carrying my child—there's no standing on ceremony. No keeping a distance.

The floodgates are open, and there's no holding back.

We pull apart, and I rest my forehead against hers, both of us catching our breath.

"I'm sorry, Gabs. I'm sorry I didn't wise up sooner," I whisper, my voice barely more than a breath.

"Jacob," she breathes, and it's all the confirmation I need.

We have a lot to talk about, a lot to figure out, but for now, in this moment, everything else fades away.

I pull back slightly, looking into her eyes, and smile. "Gabi," I say softly, "can you show me to your bedroom?"

Her eyes widen for a split second before a playful smirk tugs at the corners of her lips. "Straight to the point, aren't we?"

"Hey, it's been a long day."

She tilts her head, considering, then nods. Gabi gestures. "Up the stairs, first door on the left."

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