Page 41 of Secret Pucking Play

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What I'm not ready for next is the person taking the seat beside me.

"You're really into this, aren't you?" a feminine voice cuts through my cheers.

I blink, momentarily confused by the hint of snark in the woman's tone.

Slowly, I turn to face her. It takes a couple of seconds for my brain to connect the dots, and then it hits me like a slap-shot that's going a hundred miles too damn fast.

It's Veronica Corso.

The wife of George Corso, the Blades' owner. And the woman Jacob was rumored to be canoodling with.

The recognition must show on my face because her red-painted lips curl into an amused smile. Her blonde hair is styled in perfect waves, framing her sharp features. She's wearing a designer dress and heels that probably cost more than my entire wardrobe.

I force a smile, squaring my shoulders as the movement will fortify me against whatever grenades Veronica's about to lob my way.

I keep my voice level. "I'm passionate about the team. Been a fan since I could walk."

"Hmm," Veronica replies, her eyes glinting like she's just been given a new toy to play with. "I guess that's true dedication. Tell me, how's your engagement going?"


"Yes, darling." Her voice is a purr as she leans in too closely, as if sharing a secret with me. "To Jacob. The rink's been buzzing with the news. You must be thrilled."

"Uh, yeah," I say, trying to suppress the sarcasm clawing its way up my throat. "Super thrilled."

Her smile widens, and I can almost feel the temperature around us drop a few degrees. "He's quite a catch, Jacob. So charming, don't you think? All those muscles...quite the package."

"He has his moments."

Veronica’s chuckle is low and throaty, like she's just been told a particularly juicy piece of gossip. "I'm sure he does. Well, I suppose you two make sense." She waves a manicured hand toward the ice. "You’re both so...dedicated to this."

"Thanks...I think."

"Oh, don't thank me," she says, her eyes narrowing slightly. "Just looking out for our star player's best interests, you know?"

This time, I do roll my eyes. Just a little. "Mm, appreciate it."

"Oh, but darling. Don't worry. Jacob and I haven't actually slept together. Just thought you should know."

I blink at her, trying to process her words. Was that supposed to make me feel better?

"Good to know," I mumble, the sarcasm now fully unleashed. But Veronica isn't done playing her little game.

"Honestly, Gabi, you don't have to be all uptight. I can see through these things. Your little's all just a show, isn't it?" Her words drip with faux sympathy, but her eyes say she knows. She knows this whole charade with Jacob is as flimsy as a house of cards in a hurricane.

My stomach churns, but my expression remains the same. "Believe what you want, Veronica."

Her lips curve into a catlike smile. "Oh, I do believe what I want. But good luck convincing everyone else. Especially Jacob." Her smiles widens but never reaches her eyes. She stands. "Well, enjoy the game, Gabi. I'm sure I'll see you around."

"Count on it," I mutter under my breath as she turns away, her heels clicking against the concrete like a ticking clock.

I watch her go, feeling a mix of annoyance and something else...

A sliver of doubt.

It's all falling apart. Our ruse. My sanity. My life.

But as I turn back to the ice, watching Gio glide across it with effortless grace, I can't help but think...maybe it's for the best. Maybe this whole thing was a mistake from the beginning.

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