Page 24 of Secret Pucking Play

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We are now in full playoff mode, every single person rushing around the stadium like ants, making sure everything is in top condition for tonight's game.

The Chicago Blades are preparing to face off against the Rangers, and everyone can feel the tension in the air.

I should be focusing on my work and should also be invested in making sure our fake engagement goes off without a hitch. But all I can think about is last night at Amore...and Jacob.

Sitting across from him, enjoying a plate of lasagna so good it could rival Nonna's, I found myself swept away by our conversation.

It wasn't just about coordinating our PR strategy for the engagement.

It was deeper, more intimate.

Jacob opened up about his plans for the future, his career aspirations, and the constant buzz of rumors surrounding his love life. Half of the relationships the press chattered about didn't even exist. In return, I shared my hopes and fears about my career and becoming a mom.

The laughter. The honesty. The way his eyes lit up when he spoke about watching all his hockey dreams come true with his round of playoffs. His hopes of winning the championship cup.

It felt like I was peeling back layers of a man I thought I knew but was now discovering anew.

And now, here I am, struggling to reconcile my conflicted feelings for him.

Needing a distraction as the game begins, I pull out my phone and shoot a quick text to my best friend, Lexi, who's covering one of the playoff games in LA.

“Hey Lex, the game's about to start. How's the scene over there?”

It doesn't take long for her to reply.

“Chaos, as usual. The LA Kings fan base is losing their minds. How about you? Nervous?"

I send back, “Me? Nervous? Why would I be nervous?”

“Well, you are the new head of PR for the Blades. It looks great if they win and really MEH if they don't. Plus...I know being Jacob's 'squeeze' comes with its own worries, right?”

There’s a pause and then she sends, “I'm sure you want your little right winger bae to do well, too... ??”

I bite down on my bottom lip before texting back.

“Focus on your own game, Miss Media Mouth.”

Lexi sends back a string of laughing emojis. “Hit a nerve, I see...” she says next.

I smile as I watch the little typing bubbles bouncing on the screen. “Enjoy the game and good luck to your man! ??”

I inhale deeply, blowing out a breath just as quickly.

In an effort to ignore Lexi's probing questions, I direct my attention to another text conversation. I scroll through my contacts and quickly tap on "Nonna". My thumb hovers over the screen as I think of what to write.

“Hi, Nonna. How are you feeling today? How's the hip?”

It takes a few minutes before my phone buzzes with her reply.

“Ciao bella! I'm feeling much better today. The hip is healing nicely. I'm even getting along with this new nurse Jacob hired.”

I raise an eyebrow at that last part. Jacob hired a nurse? This is the first I'm hearing of a nurse. I quickly type back, “New nurse? I didn't know Jacob hired someone to help you.”

“Yes, sweetie. She's been wonderful, helping me with exercises and making sure I'm comfortable. Jacob insisted, said he wanted the best care for me. Such a good boy.”

I feel myself gaping at my phone.

Of course, Jacob would do something like this and not tell me. Gratitude and shock mix in a powerful cocktail that leaves me feeling frustrated.

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