Page 9 of Blurred Lines

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“Did you shoot out of the barrel for him?” she laughs.

“I hate you sometimes.”

“No you don’t. Trust me, you need a female in your life to talk about this stuff with, it’s not like you can go and talk to Shaw about it.”

“I tried,” I reply.

“Omigod! What did you say?”

“I asked him what he thought of the show. No, I basically made a lame joke and then tried to maul him.”

“Maul him? Were you still randy from the finger painting?”

“Gross, Sloane. You’re a teacher, c’mon have better words that that!”

“My students don’t play with finger paints, but I wouldn’t doubt that your roommate is an expert,” she wiggles her eyebrows.

“Again, gross. Shouldn’t you be grading homework or something?”

“I did that during my free period. I’m all yours,” she says with a grin.

“I would rather you go, you may scare my customers,” I wave to the empty space.

“You mean your imaginary friends,” she looks around, “what time is the book club tonight and what are they reading? Will they be bringing booze? Those book club ladies are a riot.”

“They’re reading some small-town romance by an indie author, and I think they always bring booze,” I reply.

“Oh, my type of broads, you staying?”

“No, I have one of the staff manning the book clubs. I greet them and she stays until ten when they leave,” I pull out my planner and look at the tentative schedule for the month.

“What time do they start?” Sloane questions.

“Same time as usual, seven. Do you want in on their club? I think you just need to join their Facebook group and accept whatever event that’s in there. That’s where all their information is,” I tear a piece of scratch paper and write down their Facebook group name for her.

“I’ve got work to do, so unless you want to help me enter all these new titles into the POS system, go home, go do something meaningful with your time.”

“You don’t love me anymore,” she pouts.

“I love you plenty, but I really do have work to do, and I wanna get it all done before I go home tonight.”

“Speaking of which, you settling into Shaw’s place, or are you looking for your own spot?” she asks and pulls her purse strap over her head to rest on her shoulder.

“I haven’t thought that far ahead yet.” I admit, “Shaw says that I can stay for as long as I need, so I wanted to give myself time, since I’m not in any rush.”

“And so you can keep giving him peep shows, I got you,” she walks towards the door waving and exiting my shop while I shake my head.

I didn’t dispute that. Did I?

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