Page 26 of Blurred Lines

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“Broken the seal,” she repeats, almost as if to herself. “Like when drinking and you hold in your pee in fear of breaking the seal and then having to go every ten minutes?”

“I’m not sure our relationship, in whatever fashion should be referred to as using the bathroom,” I say.

“Well, you’re the one who said it,” she defends her train of thought.

“Okay, okay. So how about we ripped off the band-aid? Is that better?”

“So, what if the relationship was to get infected, we’d have to make sure that we use all the precautions that we could to keep the relationship,” she winks, “healthy and strong. I like that better.”

I shake my head at her explanation and understanding of the analogies.

“Yes, I’m not sure how your mind works sometimes, but yes. We’re fresh, we’re new, and we need to take care of one another.”

“Like you would a cut,” she nods.

“If that’s what you want to go with, yes. Anyway, what I was originally trying to say, is we’ll go at your pace. If you want slow, I can do slow and if you want, well whatever you want—I will go along with it.”

“And what if I want to get freaky right here and right now?” she asks with a devilish smile.

My heart skips a beat and my mouth goes as dry as the desert. I clear my throat and smile.

“I would take you to my bedroom and remove your clothes and do whatever you wanted me to. If you want to get freaky, then we can. But when Mason is here, we have to be a little more cautious, at least until he knows about us.”

“I was just testing you. Thank you for letting me set the pace. I think it’s different for us, after eight years of friendship in the platonic sense to just jump into bed right away. While I know we will get there, I think that it would do our relationship disservice to rush,” she puts her hand on my knee.

“So, right now we could make out,”

“There can be some petting,”

“We both need to get some sleep and here you are talking about heavy petting,” I lean my head back on the couch and groan.

“What do you mean we need to get some sleep? You’re on summer break and I own my business, we could stay up all night if we wanted,” Summer smiles.

“We could,” I tilt my head.

She leans into me as my hand moves to cradle her head and pull her even closer to me. Our lips touch, our tongues run against one another, and after a moment of light kisses, the kiss deepens, and Summer has moved to sit astride my lap. Her fingertips thread through the back of my head as my hands run roughly up her back, pressing her into me.

She lightly moans into my mouth as her hips begin to move in circular motions. My hands move down to her hips and I hold on to her with my fingertips digging into her sides as she lowers herself fully onto my lap which leaves her thin shorts and my basketball shorts as the only clothing between our lower regions as she rubs against my rigid length.

My mind is exploding with thoughts. This is unfamiliar territory for us, and if she’s just as nervous as I am, holy shit. She sucks on my tongue and then pulls back. Her skin is flushed, her eyes are dilated and heated with pure desire, and she is out of breath. Her hips are still moving in circular motions with my own, assisting her in feeling as much of me as possible. I’m biting my lower lip when her hands roam down my chest. She pulls my shirt over my head and discards it beside us on the couch as her hands trail across my chest.

“I know we need to stop this, but I just want a taste, just to get me through the night,” she whispers as her fingertips trail my waist band. She bites her plump bottom lip and then slowly looks up to me in question.

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