Page 9 of Little White Lie

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“I’ll uh, go hangout with your sister in the living room while you get yourself ready.” He says looking everywhere, but at my face. I hurry past him, my arm covering my chest, not even thinking twice, and head into the shower where I take my time.

Once I return from the bedroom fully dressed, my family plus Dean are laughing around the kitchen. Dean is pouring a cup of coffee for my dad while my mother and sister watch him fondly.

I can’t help but to get butterflies from the scene either.

Dean is a people person, and he easily makes people fall for him. He smiles at my mother, but when he notices me in the hallway entryway, his smile grows exponentially as I get all of his attention.

My mother follows his gaze, looks back at him with a smile and then back to me and says; “There she is. You hungry honey?”

“Famished.” I whisper, my eyes still on Dean.

I approach the group and go stand by Dean. He instinctively wraps his arm around my shoulder.

I look up at him and he leans down.

Our lips meet.

His lips press against mine. They’re soft and exploratory.

I must gasp, because I feel a swipe of his tongue against mine and then he pulls back.

He’s playing the part. This isn’t real. I try to convince myself.

Chapter Three


I kissed her.

I kissed her in front of her family.

I kissed her in front of her conservative family.

They didn’t balk at the moment, and neither did Kaley.

But I kissed her, and I wanted to.

And I really want to do it again.

I’m playing the part of the boyfriend and while my mind knows that it’s just a part—another part of me wishes that it was a smidge real.

When I woke up to her wrapped up around me this morning, I liked the feeling and I wanted more of it. I would have kissed her while we laid in bed together, but I knew her mind was working a mile a minute on the fact that she was practically on top of me as I was naked.

I somehow convinced her to stay, and she did, even falling back to sleep.

But I just kissed her, and she didn’t push me away, she leaned into me and I’m sure the only thing that halted her movements was the fact that her family was watching us, at least I hope.

At breakfast, she would casually touch me while talking. I would notice her gaze on my profile when I would be speaking to her father, I would feel her smile when I said something to her mother, she was observing and enjoying this moment. It was almost like it’s never been something that she’s experienced before.

We were exiting the restaurant when she grabs my hand, intertwines her fingers with mine, and when my eyes meet hers, she smiles.

“Do you two have anything planned today?” Mrs. Valentine asks us eagerly.

“We cleared our schedules so we can spend time with you.” I reply on behalf of the both of us.

I made sure that all of my teammates knew that I wouldn’t be available this weekend. While I know that I have a mountain of homework, and that Kaley most likely may as well, I also know that Kaley and I can do that at some point this weekend when we’re not doing the tourist thing.

I’m not really sure if Kaley had plans for me to join them the entire time they’re here, but I’m going to play my part as best as I can. A proper boyfriend makes time for his girlfriend’s parents if they are visiting.

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