Page 10 of Little White Lie

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I think I read that somewhere.

Even though, after that light kiss, I’m not sure how much of this is playing anymore.

“Dean usually has a busy school week with football and all. So, yeah, he may not be around as much during the week while you guys are here.” I must have missed most of the conversation.

“Except this week. I have a light week since we have a bye.” I reply.

“A bye?” Maddie asks.

“It means that they don’t have a game this week. It’s like a break.” Kaley says.

“Don’t you have a twin?” Mrs. Valentine asks me.

“I do. Denise. She is how Kale and I met. They were roommates when I lived in one of the athlete dorms on campus.”

“Wasn’t she your roommate too your first year, in the dorms?” Mrs. Valentine turns to Kaley.

“Yup. I liked her so much, we still wanted to move in together after our first year.”

“And you liked her so much, that you started hooking up with her brother!” Maddie quips.

I smile. Her sister is funny. Truthful, yet funny.

“I thought student athletes are all supposed to live together in the dorms like they do in the Revenge of the Nerds movie?” Mrs. Valentine asks.

“You have to get permission from the coach to live off campus. I told coach that I would be able to concentrate a little better. My team and I are together too much that it’s almost as if I still live there. Coach was cool with the change. As long as my performance or grades don’t dip, I think he’s cool with it.” I say.

I think that’s the most honest thing I’ve said in the past twenty-four hours.

We did the touristy thing around Seattle and finished the day with the sunset at the top of the space needle and dinner. Luckily, I made a reservation the day after Kaley told me about this visit, so we had an amazing view and a delicious meal.

As we stood in a circle by our car and by their rental car, I held Kaley’s hand.

“The night is still young, would you guys like to come over for a night cap?” I ask.

“I would love one.” Maddie perks up.

“We were actually going to take Maddie to go do some things. Give you two a night alone.” Mr. Valentine said. “We’ll bring her back at a reasonable hour though.”

“Daddy. I want to hang out with them.” Maddie pouts, “they’re closer to my age, and I think that Kales and I could totally use some sister time.”

“Your sister and her boyfriend need their alone time.” Her mom says with a determined tone.

“I’m sure they have enough alone time.” Maddie says looking straight at her sister with a smirk.

“Dear, we’re going to do a ghost tour in Pioneer Square.”

“A ghost tour? That sounds so lame. C’mon daddy, can’t I just go home with them? They won’t mind, would you guys.”

Before either Kaley or I could interject, we were silenced with a look.

“The tour is only about an hour long, we’ll come by afterwards. Mads, you will live. This will be fun.” Their father says.

They drag her away, leaving Kaley and myself alone, still holding hands. I get her into the car and we drive home in silence with the sexual tension high from all the touching that we’ve done all day.

As we’re walking into the apartment, she finally breaks the silence.

“So, I think it’s going great, you?” she asks.

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