Page 25 of Little White Lie

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“I’ve never had sex without protection. I’m clean and all. But holy shit, that was amazing.”

“I’m clean too.” I confirm for him.

“I should be embarrassed, that was the quickest sex I’ve ever had.”

“Well, we’ll just need to practice more so we can last longer.” I tease.

“Challenge accepted.”

Chapter Eight


The air is crisp, yet I’m burning up. Stadium lights are bright and we’ve been playing for almost four quarters. The offense is up and I’m standing on the sidelines watching my teammates.

The center snaps the ball to the quarterback; the guards prepare to throttle off our opponents while both sides of the tackles are fending off players. There’s a lot of crunching when players smash into another, groans as the QB runs through the original line of scrimmage and past the safeties on the other team. I watch our QB run past all the hash marks into the end zone and celebrate by spiking the ball and it going into the stands towards the outstretched hands.

The game is over and all the players are rushing the field to celebrate with the rest of our teammates. The crowd is screaming in excitement and all I can think about is getting home to Kaley. Her parents are leaving on Sunday, so we only have a few more moments with them.

I think that she and I are solid and will continue this thing going on between us. We haven’t fully discussed our sleeping arrangements once they leave, or anything else that could happen, and I plan to remedy that tonight once they all leave.

I’m showered and heading to my car in the student lot when I see my sister walking towards me.

“Hey D!” she hollers as soon as she closer.

“Hey D!” I say back.

“So, supposedly, you are dating someone.”

“Oh yeah?” Shit, I don’t think it even came to mind telling Denise about Kaley and I. It’s not like we’ve hidden our relationship when we’ve seen another on campus.

“Yeah. You know, she’s got long blonde hair, grayish-blue eyes, lives at the same address as you. You know, Kaley. My best friend, your roommate?”

“Yeah, I didn’t mention that we kind of started something?” I play it off.

“No, you didn’t mention this. Neither has she. Some rando saw you guys canoodling on campus the other day and started gushing about how cute of a couple you two are.”

“Canoodling?” I laugh. “Who the hell are you talking to that they say canoodling? That’s the shit that grandma says.”

“So, were either of you guys planning on telling me?” She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

“Nothing to tell. We’re dating.” I shrug.

“And living together.”

“And living together.” I confirm.

“Well?” she spreads her arms in front of her.

“Need a ride?” I ask. “I’ll tell you all about it in the car's warmth. My balls are crawling up into my body and I need the heater.”

“Gross. I don’t need to hear about your anatomy.” She says walking over to the passenger side of my car and waiting for me to unlock the doors.

We get inside, and as I start up the car, she turns to me.

“I’m not getting any younger you know.”

“Take a chill pill, would ya?”

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