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And Another Epilogue


It’s beentwo years since I met the drunk woman on the train. I wasn’t sure where my life was heading at that moment, but I wanted to pursue her despite her being someone that worked for the magazine that I took over.

As we started to progress in our relationship, I knew that I was royally fucking up by not being completely honest with her due to complete fear and when dinner happened that night with my parents—the secret that I was holding back, understandably caused a rift in our relationship. But then I tried to woo her again, to date her and she told me that she didn’t need any elaborate things and at that moment, I knew that she was the one. I didn’t need to impress her, I just needed to be honest with her.

* * *

We are having a small wedding,and it’s today.

There are around 20 guests ready to watch us become husband and wife.

Kady is our flower girl, who will be pushing her 3-month-old little sister Jessica down the aisle in a white stroller, and I don’t think that I’ve ever been as happy.

This year, we each kept a secret from one another, just one. It’s part of a mutual agreement to one another. Mine was that I was searching for the perfect house for us to buy and move into since we would quickly grow out of my two-bedroom condo on the beach. We still live in Santa Monica; we just now have a yard.

And then there’s Sidney’s secret, well she could barely contain it, it lasted for a total of 48 hours. She wanted to come up with some elaborate and cutesy plan to tell me that we were having a baby, but instead one day after a day full of meetings, she comes home, and plops herself on the couch, announcing the news, then asks me to get her some cheese popcorn.

I’ve proposed to her many times since she moved into the condo a year ago. But that night, I felt good on my odds. So, I got down on my knee to her later that night and she finally accepted my proposal, of course it was contingent on if Kady would have her too.

Spoiler alert, I asked Kady first and she was totally cool with it.

And now, here I am, standing at the altar, waiting for my bride to march down the aisle in front of our friends and family to officially become Mrs. Montgomery.

I watch Steph, Olivia and Shane walk down the aisle, then comes my girls. Kady, with one hand on the stroller the other waving in the air as she walks completely forgetting the task of flowers. She moves the stroller next to my parents in the front row, who’ve taken a warming to Sidney and then comes to stand beside me as my best man.

The music changes, everyone stands and at the end of the aisle is my beautiful woman, my bride holding cala lilies and a grin from ear to ear. She begins walking and I see her smile turn into counting her steps and making sure that she doesn’t trip while she walks up the small platform to me. She hands her bouquet to Steph beside her and winks at me as she faces me.

The ceremony goes as we’ve practiced in rehearsals, but before it comes time to say our vows to one another, the officiant turns to Sidney and surprises me.

“I do believe that there is an addition to the vows that Sidney plans to make to Quinlan today. Sidney?” The officiant says.

She turns, holds out her hand, and Shane hands her a box, then steps back into place.

“Not only am I declaring my complete love and promises to Quinn today, I’m also making those same promises to Kady.” She manages to bend, get eye to eye with Kady, and pull her hand in hers. “Kades, I promise to always listen to you, when you need a shoulder. I promise to hold your hand and brush your hair, I promise to be another person to love you in your life, I promise to teach you, guide you, and respect you until my dying day. And most of all, I promise to protect you. Forever more.”

“Can you just not die today, because that was super nice and not on your wedding day.” Kady says.

“I promise, it will be a long, long time before that happens.” Sidney says.

“Deal.” Kady replies to which everyone laughs.

Sidney opens the box and pulls out a beautiful necklace with Kady's name engraved on it with today’s date around Kady’s neck, and I wipe the tears that fall from my eyes at this unexpected moment.

They hug and then Kady hugs me. As Sidney returns to standing in front of me, I mouth thank you to her and we take one another’s hands.

* * *

“Hello Mr. Montgomery.”Sidney wraps her arms around my neck as we stumble into the bedroom at the end of the night.

“Hi there, Mrs. Montgomery, how are you this evening?” I place my hands on her hips.

“Well, the kids are with your parents for the night, and I’m feeling a little frisky.” She grins.

“A little frisky you say?” I grin.

“But first, there’s something that I need to tell you.”

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