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Chapter Twenty-One

“I think that we should talk.”I say as I stand in front of him at his door as soon as he answers.

He steps aside and waves me inside.

“Please, come in.”

I set my purse down on the kitchen counter and move to the couch to take a seat.

“Thank you for introducing me to your daughter.” I tell him.

“No, thank you for wanting to meet her. She liked you by the way.”

“I’m glad. She’s adorable, and it really is scary just how alike you look.”

“What can I say, she got the good genes of that marriage.”

“Which leads to our conversation, I still need help in understanding why you didn’t tell me. I hate to beat a dead horse, but I want to trust you again.” I catch his eye and ask.

He takes a deep breath and runs both hands over his face, then looks at me.

“I promised myself when I moved back here that I would only do two things, work and make sure that I got my kid back. But then, I met you on that train, and you enamored me in just one conversation. My goals changed in just mere minutes, and they included you in my life. I didn’t want to potentially rock the boat with work once I learned you worked there. And I didn’t want to cause drama on a new relationship with my past relationship, as well as let my ex use you against my getting Kady back.”

“You should have said something, anything. I wouldn’t have interfered and you know that.”

He hangs his head.

“I realize that now. But a part of me was terrified that I would lose Kady forever, and you. You see, my ex has a way of spinning things to her favor. She’s manipulative and I was afraid that she would say something to Kady.”

“And now? I’ve met Kady, you don’t think that she will go back to your ex and tell her that she met daddy’s new friend?”

“Kady knows you’re more than a friend, love.” Quinn grins. “Can I ask you a question?”

“Of course, ask me anything.”

“Does knowing that I’m a divorced man bother you?”

“No, it doesn’t.” I shake my head.

“Does the fact that I have a child bother you?”

“Why would it. We’re a couple, it should make no difference.”

“Dating as a single father, someone with baggage is hard. You don’t know who to trust, or who is just using you to get their rocks off. But as someone that’s with a single parent—there’s a whole new element because the mom is still in the picture. Not like I am with her, but you know that she will always be there, in the background.”

“And where do you think I stand?” I ask.

“I trust you. I made a major mistake with not telling you, and for that I’m sorry. Ask me anything. No secrets, I promise that I won’t hold anything back from you,” he says.

“Do you still love your ex?”

“No. And we haven’t loved one another for years. We tried to fix the relationship by having a kid, and well, that didn’t exactly go as planned.”

We continue talking through the night, and by midnight, I’ve learned all of his secrets and I’m happy that we finally had this talk.

I asked him to drive me back home, and even though he wanted me to stay to talk more. I walk into my apartment and start myself a bath and sink into the water with a sigh, allowing the warmness to soothe my muscles and the scents of the bath salts to relax my mind.

I decided from the start that our relationship was safe. That we just had some things to iron out and discuss.

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