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Chapter Sixteen

As soon asI get into work, there was an urgent email telling me that I am required to be in Quinn’s office. I keep my head down and focus on my general tasks that don’t need a lot of brain power to avoid having to come clean about hanging up on him. I returned phone calls, sent a few other emails and even began working on one of my assignments. It wasn’t until Quinn’s assistant comes to my cubicle, that I follow directions and stop avoiding the inevitable.

Upon entering, I close the door and walk to the chair that sits in front of his desk. I wait patiently as he ignores me and stares at the screen.

“Well, are you going to say why you want me in here?” I ask.

“Why are you avoiding me? I didn’t know that we were fighting, so why don’t we just be adults and talk?” He says, still looking at the screen.

“We’re not fighting, totally not fighting. I’m just, well, I’m just hoping that you were too sleepy last night to remember me drunk dialing you.”

“In fact, I wanted to talk to you more about that. That’s why I asked you to come to my office when you got in, in hopes that I wouldn’t have to pull you into the office when everyone else was around.”

Ugh, now I feel like a complete asshole.

“I’m sorry. I’m being stubborn and acting like a child. Listen, just forget what I said last night.”

“But last night was not the first time I heard you say something along those lines. You forget who you verbally vomited to the night that we met, right?”

“Yeah, I have this problem, you see. I speak before I think and that was all last night was. I really didn’t mean anything by that.”

“If I ask you something, will you be honest with me?”

I nod. “Of course.”

“Are you looking for a new job?” he questions as I avoid eye contact.

“Who isn’t? I mean, we’re always looking to better ourselves. And well, you know that I was frustrated with the situation, with losing the possible promotion. Then you come along, and you being who you are and my attraction to you, well I knew that if there was any chance of anything with us, that I wouldn’t be able to get promoted. I know that if the truth ever comes out, that it will be thought that I fucked the boss to get the promotion. That I took advantage of our relationship. And I don’t want that as a thought.”

“You know that’s not how it would go, right?” he crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

“I know, but not everyone else would know that.”

“So, are you looking for another job?”

“I have an alert that tells me when a specific job goes on the market. I wouldn’t say that I’m not actively searching, like scouring the web every day, but if something pops up, then I’m totally looking at it.”


“I figure that if I was to be working elsewhere, that it would be good. We wouldn’t have to hide anymore.”

I stand up and sit beside him on the edge of the desk.

“While that’s true, I would hope that we would be able to discuss it before any decisions are made.”

“I’m sorry, and yeah. That would totally be something that we talk about.” I nod.

“I’m not going to lie and tell you that I wouldn’t be pleased if we could be out in the open.”

“Oh yeah? And what would that entail? Make-outs in the elevator when I come to visit you?”

“For starters, yes and so much more.” He grins while I shove him playfully with my shoulder.

“Are we okay now?”

“We were never not okay,” he tells me bumping his shoulder back at me.

* * *

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