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He takes a deep breath and then turns his body fully in towards me as he takes my hands in his.

“Pey,” he takes a deep breath. “The only wrong choice that I made, was letting too much time go between when you called me to let me know that you would be staying here.”

“Why are you so positive about this? When we don’t know what will happen from one day to the next? We don’t know what stands in front of us. Whether or not our relationship will last or not. What if you move to LA and we break up?” I ask.

“Then that’s just a risk that we will take,” he tells me.

“Is it worth it?” I ask.

“Is what worth the risk? Our relationship?”

“The relationship was an accident from the start. We met during a drunken night and don’t even remember getting married, or anything that happened. Hell, you didn’t even know I existed for months.”

“While that may be true, how we started—it doesn’t mean that I haven’t fallen in love with you along the way. That I’m wanting to take the jump and risk everything for you. I don’t know what it is, but I’m not the same guy that I was before you came along. And I don’t want to be. I want to be who I am, when I’m with you.”

“So, you want to be a different person?” I ask him confused.

“No, yes, no. I mean, I want to be the person that I am, when I’m with you.” He says with a squeeze of my hands. “You make me better. You make me want more than just work in my life.”

“But what if—” He releases my hands and places a hand on my cheek.

“We can come up with a shit-ton of ‘what ifs’ and a lot of scenarios where we wouldn’t work out. But we can always come up with a million different ways that we do work out. And that’s what I want to focus on, because I want that more than anything.”

“Who would have thought that the guy that I end up with is a total sap.” I tilt my head and smile.

“Does that mean you’ll also take the risk? We’ll do this together?” I see the hope in his features as his posture straightens.

“Well, what could it hurt, right?” I say, and before I can finish the sentence, I’m pulled across his lap and his arms engulf me.

“We’re going to have so much fun,” he whispers against me.


The week was a mixture of busy, happy and confusing at the same time. The paperwork for the new building was a considerable amount. As well as the next steps of coordinating with my Human Resources team to get the process started.

Within a few days, I was interviewing for the Southern California Human Resources team from a pre-selected pool and had flown down the director of HR along with a few board members to the area.

On the business end, everything was running smooth.

Not the romantic end, it was a mixture of being happy and not getting a hold of how Peyton is feeling about everything. She stayed back at her apartment twice during the week and it left me feeling like she still wasn’t sure about us, but when she would return, and she kept her promise about doing so, I couldn’t have been happier, clearing up any of the confusion that I was feeling.

But now, I’m back in Seattle, standing in my now empty penthouse and it’s all hitting me that this is really happening.

I sold the penthouse. I bought a new house, a modest house, not something that is as extravagant as this place, but a decent sized home in Highland Park. And I packed up my corner at the office.

I’m ready for the new chapter in my life and I think that my mid-thirties are a good time to be able to do whatever the hell I feel like doing, and since it’s for love—all the more.

I spent the morning with my sister, planning out for when she can visit, checked in on Scout who is staying with Peyton, and finished with the rest of getting my belongings out of the place.

“Well, it looks like your ass got robbed!” Marcus says from behind me.

I turn around and my best friend and college roommate, Marcus stands with his hands in his front pockets as he looks around the empty space.

“I hope they get some good money for some of the stuff,” I reply with a smile as I walk towards him. He’s standing in the kitchen and leans back against the counter.

“I can’t believe that you’re doing this,” he shakes his head.

“Doing what? Following my heart?” I ask.

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