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While it’s fun that he calls me ‘Mrs. Addison’ at any chance that he has, I do wonder how serious he is about that.

“So, you have offhandedly mentioned that you work a lot and you don’t have time to date. But do you date?” I ask.

“I haven’t had anything serious, that I can recall. Aside from you. Does that scare you?”

“Well, I don’t know to be honest. I don’t know what the future holds for us. We live in two different states, we are two vastly different types of people, and we don’t know that if this fun thing we currently have going is anything lasting.” I say with as much confidence that I can manage.

The elevator silently slides down and we’ve made it to the bottom floor in moments.

“This way,” I point as we walk hand in hand in the direction that my plans have sought for us, he doesn’t ask where we’re going, but he does reply to what I said in the elevator.

“Any relationship has its questions and obstacles. It takes two to make it work. One person can’t be doing all the heavy lifting. Sure, you’re a little more easy-going and care-free than I am, but that doesn’t mean that one can’t even the other out. I think of it as a perfect balance, in other words a completion.”

“Don’t go quoting Jerry Maguire on me!” I point my finger at him and warn.

“I like you. I went down to LA, not knowing what I was going to come face to face with when I saw you. But I like you. It could be the fact that we’re opposites, and I am totally okay with that. Yes, we live in different cities, but there are ways to bypass that. The amazing things that are done with technology these days. But for fun, would you ever move away from Los Angeles?” he asks in all seriousness.

“I’ve never thought of it. My job is there, my friends are there, my entire life is there. I don’t know anything different. It’s never been a topic of conversation that I’ve ever had to deal with while in a relationship.”

“And what if it came down to that a year down the road. We’re tired of the back and forth, we wouldn’t be able to have a successful marriage if we’re living in two different places,” he points out.

I nod my head slowly. “I see that as being something that would be a pretty big obstacle. Would you consider moving to Los Angeles, possibly opening up an office there?”

“Like you, this is new territory for me. I’ve never given Los Angeles much thought as a place to live, but I’m not going to say that it would be out of the question. If we completely fell in love, and that’s what you wanted, me to move to LA, then I would.”

He takes my breath away with that, as that’s exactly the thought that’s been in my head too, during this entire conversation.

I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and turn to him. I reach up and pull him down as I meet him on my tippy-toes. His arms wrap around my middle and he bends then lifts me. My feet dangle as he kisses me, leaving me breathless when we pull apart.

“I’m going to assume that I said something right, to warrant that,” he asks.

“It’s like you’re in my head, you basically said out loud some of the rampant thoughts that have been circulating in my head.”

“So, what you’re saying is that we’re a little bit alike, after all?” He grins.

“Maybe just a little.” I say as he sets me down.

He looks around and questions, “where are we going?”

“Are you ready for some history?” I ask.

“It wasn’t my best subject in school, I was more of a math guy.”

“We’re going to learn the history of Pioneer Square, but not from the surface. From below.”

“I’m sorry, what?”

“It’s basically underground tunnels that we’re used in the late 1800’s and during the gold rush days. It’s like a whole crap ton of history that we will be given a tour with.”

“And it’s here, in Seattle.” He asks.

“Yup.” I nod excitedly.

“How do you know these things?”

“I’ve done my homework.” I reply.

Once we check in, and join the group for the tour, we’re off underground and then above ground within two hours. We would have been out sooner, but Max had a million questions that kept the very insightful tour guide on his feet.

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