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“Wait a second!” Quinn sets her coffee cup down on the table beside her, stands then rushes to me and grabs my hand. “Shut the fucking front door, what the fuck is that?”

She’s staring down at the rock on my ring finger. I pull my hand behind my back, out of sight and try to twist the band off of my finger, but I’m too slow.

Fuck! I forgot to take it off!

“What? What is it? Let me see?” Hanna stumbles out of bed and gets tangled in the blankets. Before almost falling flat on her face, she regains her balance, then makes her way to stand with Quinn staring at the large rock casting a shadow on my hand.

“Did you get married?” Quinn asks standing back to give me the once over as if the ring that she saw on my finger changed the way that I looked.

“I honestly couldn’t tell you,” I offer casting a glance toward the floor.

“What do you mean?” Quinn places her hand on her hip.

“I mean that I don’t remember what happened after a point in the night, then I woke up, and now I’m here.” I lift my shoulders and offer her a small smile.

I twist the ring off of my finger and look at it. It’s not a fake ring, by any means. It has a good weight to it, and when the light hits it, a prism of colors cascade along the wall. I pocket the ring for now, and make a mental note to figure out what to do with it later.

“And you guys hooked up? I mean obviously, you spent the night with him and your hair looks like a rat slept in it. You totally have fuck me hair.” Quinn says with a smirk.

“Well, I’m pretty damn sure that he wrecked my vagina because I’m typically not this sore without a little—or should I say a whole lot of action.” I say in a sigh.

“Like wrecked as in an hour at spin class or like he sexed you up all night?” Hanna giggles.

“Well, my head feels like I’ve been in an accident and my lady bits feels like they took a good pounding.”

Quinn nods her head in understanding, “So like Rhonda Rousey style, that’s awesome. It’s been awhile since I’ve been slammed like that.”

I run my hand over my forehead and take a deep breath.

“What do I do? I mean I’m supposedly married to some random guy, where the hell were you guys last night? How did I end up alone with him, I could have been killed!” I look between my two friends as I sit on the edge of the bed.

“Well, you were the one who kind of ditched us. We went to go get drinks and you insisted to stay sitting on his lap, then when we returned, all of you guys were gone.”

“That doesn’t sound like me,” I shake my head.

“We tried calling you a billion times, but it went straight to voicemail. We always tell you that you need to have a full charge if we go out, and yet you never listen.” Hanna shakes her head, crossing her arms over her chest, pointing out to me a common occurrence for when we go places.

“So, what do I do now? I’m married, to a complete stranger.” I throw myself back on the bed in frustration.

“Well, you know how the saying goes,” Quinn starts.

I lean up on my elbows and look at her with a sigh. “What saying?” I ask.

“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!” Quinn and Hanna say in unison.


My brain is rattling in my head. My body hurts and I feel like something shit in my mouth.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve let loose like that. But once the guys and I had a few drinks under our belt, I rolled up my sleeves, unbuttoned the top button of my dress-shirt, and untied my bow-tie.

I drank too much and don’t really remember getting back to my room. I have very faint memories of last night. I faintly remember making-out with a woman, and that same woman riding in the back of our limo, and her here in bed with me. But there was no woman here in bed with me when I woke up and no signs of a woman being here that I wonder if part of these so-called memories are a dream, or if I really spent the night with some mystery woman.

If it wasn’t for the constant chirping from my phone in my pants pocket from the floor, I would have missed my plane.

Begrudgingly, I have an Uber pick me up and drop me off at the airport quickly as I’m moving through the motions, I get to my gate just as they’re boarding my group number.

I scan my ticket and head down the boarding bridge.

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