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“Perfect. I’ll have Dana send over travel information before the end of the day. Now, I have one more favor to ask?” He pauses and stands up.

“Sir, if this is about my social media, I promise you that I did as requested.”

“Not at all. But thank you for doing that. We’re going to need to rearrange the schedule of the Foster Family Reunion. I received a message that they are planning to change everything, including dates due to something with one of their business’s and timelines. Last minute things, can you get on the horn and make sure we have the staffing and whatnot?” He asks.

“Of course, sir. I was meaning to get in touch with graphics to make sure that we had their new logo, for branding.”

“Good, thank you. Do you need anything from me? How can I help make your job easier?” he asks.

I give him a devilish smile.

“Well, I would love to speak to you during our trip about an all staff event, you know the party planners, throwing a work party?”

His face lights up at the idea. “You know, it’s been a while since we’ve done something like that, good idea. Make a list, and we’ll discuss it during our travels.”

At home later that night, I’m packing for the trip when Quinn plops herself on my bed.

“Since when do you go on work trips? I think the most that you’ve traveled was up to San Francisco.”

“Since my boss’s assistant couldn’t go and I’m the lucky runner up,” I deadpan.

“You’d always be my first choice,” Quinn flips onto her back and says in a light tone.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I shove socks into my bag.

“So, where are you going?”

“You will never believe it,” I stop moving around and look over to her.

“Somewhere fancy?” She quirks her eyebrow.


“Shut the front door!” Quinn’s mouth drops open. “Are you freaking kidding? Seattle? You and your husband will be in the same place at the same time. Are you going to go find him? What are you going to say? Oh my God, can I come?”

“Slow your roll, crazy bitch. I’m going to Seattle for work. Not on a scavenger hunt.” I laugh.

“Are you kidding? It would be more like a treasure hunt. I mean think about it, he would be a damn nice prize.” She barely contains her laughter while I roll my eyes.

“I’m not going to stalk the guy,” I say.

“He’s your husband, you have every right to.”

“He’s my husband, I don’t even know him.”

“Girl, he wrecked your lady bits. I think you know him.”

“You are infuriating,” I shake my head and continue packing.

* * *

Our Uber driver dropped us off under the beautiful arch of the Washington Convention center at 7th and Pike. I look across the street and see a grill across the way and on the other side, a Cheesecake Factory. This area looks nice and the convention center is popping with foot traffic. We walk through the doors and turn to the left to walk up the stairs, following the banners alerting us to where the convention is being held. We head up the elevators to the Sky Bridge on the fourth level, I look up at the arch overhead and gasp in the beautiful sight before me.

“This is amazing,” I gush to Mr. Frederick. He offers me a smile as we walk into the exhibit hall which is even more beautiful with the tapered block ceiling.

The day is full of walking to and from booths, mingling with other professionals in the industry. I break away from my boss and attend a catering symposium while he attends a workshop on stationary. We leave the conference towards the end of the day and I’m exhausted. All I want to do is to go back to the hotel and soak my entire body in the jacuzzi bathtub. But Mr. Frederick wanted to go to dinner across the street instead.

Thankfully after dinner, I’m back in the hotel room in record time and lounging in the large tub.

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