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“I promise to ride you like the unicorn that you are, until our dying day,” I say looking up at the gorgeous man standing in a tuxedo in front of me. I push up the tiara that was placed on my head and grin.

“And I promise to brush your hair at night, every night.” He returns bopping me on the tip of my nose.

I hiccup and giggle like a school-girl as I teeter back and forth on my feet from the slight motion.

I lean up on my tiptoes and we kiss, annoying Elvis standing in front of us for the millionth time since our ceremony began, since every few moments we lean into one another and interrupt what should be a ten-minute ceremony. It’s been thirty minutes, and despite there are two Elvis’s talking, I can see slight irritation.

“You two will have plenty of time to smooch, but dare I say that I get you two jailbirds hitched?” Elvis says with a roll of his eyes. “Do you two have any more vows that you would like to say to one another?”

“Yes,” the gorgeous man in front of me says to Elvis and then returns his glazed gaze to me. “I promise to make sure that you have your endless supply of calendars, so that way you never miss a thing, or an important date,” he smiles proudly.

A collective ‘Aww’ from the peanut gallery behind us draws my attention away from my husband to be for a split second.

He’s dashing, he looks like he knows what he’s doing in all the ways that would matter, and those ways would be the bedroom, at least that’s all I’m thinking right now.

And while I may be seeing double right now, I can definitely tell that he’s a looker.

“Oh, you listened,” I gush.

I lean up and kiss him chastely on the lips and pull back when I hear the clearing of the throat.

“Alright, Ms. Peyton, do you take this hunka-hunka burning love to be yours?”

“Sure as fuck, I do.” I throw my free hand in the air and pump it. Which encourages more hoots and hollers from our witnesses.

Elvis turns to my handsome groom who is swaying on his own two feet, with a large smile on his face.

“And, Mr. Max, do you take this lady to be your forever Rockabilly princess?”

“Totally do,” Mr. Max nods his head.

“And by the power invested in me by the city of Las Vegas and Graceland, I now pronounce you husband and wife, nuhuh-uh-huh!” Elvis does a little shimmy of his hips and his arms spread out in the air. “You may now finally pucker up.”

I lean in and nearly fall into Mr. Max, when we kiss and seal our marriage.

Cheers from the peanut gallery erupt as the kiss turns into a fit of giggles.

Chapter One

“This one time in Vegas, I had drinks with Elvis, RuPaul, Tina Turner and Elton John…”


If I open my eyes, that means the brightness of the room will burn my retinas and I will be blind. I can’t afford to be blind. It sounds expensive, and frankly, I don’t have the extra money to blind-proof my apartment. I roll onto my back and brush my hair out of my face. The motion itself rattles my head and is painful, so much so, that I want to sink deeper into the mattress. But even that sounds like too much work, and I really don’t have the energy. I wrap my arms around my body and touch a whole lot of skin.

Am I naked?

Why am I naked?

I take a deep breath and slowly open my eyes, scan the room and note that this is not my room. I move onto my side and look to the side of the bed, where I expect to see the other bed with my roommate passed out in it. Except, that’s far from what I see. The floor is a different color, with fancy patterns and not of multi-colored ‘let’s hide any stains’, type of carpet that my room has. This floor is clean and has much more space than mine, and based on the floor to ceiling windows’ view, is a much better one, whereas the view from the front window of our room is another small hotel. Everything is different.

I slowly push myself to sit up in the bed and note the bed that I’m in is surrounded by windows.

Where am I?

Again, why am I naked?

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