Page 8 of In the End

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She’s negative.

I’m negative.

There’s nothing wrong with talking to her, I’m still keeping my eyes open and staying alert to our surroundings. I’m still doing my job and part of my job is that I should be meeting people, so that’s what I’m doing here. I’m meeting Kendall.

After the testing was finished for today and results were provided, I didn’t see who the infected person was, but I was informed that they have been further quarantined to the med-tent for further treatment. The word from the city and the Federal Government is that there is not a current vaccine yet, and that the virus is spreading fast. Our Army researchers are testing on something that could possibly help make the virus not attach to humans, but the jury is still out on whether not it works as they’re just now starting to test on mice. It will be a while before it’s known that it actually works since there seem to be different stages of how the virus affects people. So, researchers and medical professionals all over the world are trying to find a solution, anything that can help. All of the branches from around the world in disease control are currently working on something and I hope to God that it works out sooner rather than later.

I feel comfortable about Kendall, If she didn’t stop to visit her friend, she wouldn’t be here. And I just admitted to her that I am glad that she is here, as selfishly as it sounds.

We sat beside one another for over an hour going back and forth in a game of twenty questions. In that time, I learned that she and I are the same age, that her father is a Navy Vet, and that was where she was coming from, a visit with him. She works in a restaurant as the head chef and has hopes to own her own one day. She has a thing for games, but solo games such as solitaire, word searches, crossword puzzles and sudoku.

I also noticed that right before she smiles, her eyebrow quirks. And that she has two laughs. She laughed awkwardly when we first began talking, as if she was unsure how to act. Which I understand, I’m dressed in my fatigues, I’m a big guy and I probably look scary to some. But by the end of the conversation, her laughter was relaxed and so was her body language. She leaned into me when laughing and even touched my arm on a few occasions.

In light of the events, I felt comfortable with her and I can tell she did with me too.

I knew that I had to report to the Colonel, so I made my way to the area where we have our briefings and wait for the Colonel to give our update.

Several of the guys are standing around waiting for an update. After ten minutes, the Colonel clearers his throat.

“Thank you all for being patient. I’m receiving up to date information from the Pentagon, the governor and President Nolan. Keep in mind that we are just one of many troops that have been dispatched. We have five quarantined areas within the region at the moment, each with an increase of cases each day. People are not taking enough precaution and therefore this is harming others each and every day.”

He stands up and crosses his arms over his chest. He looks intimidating and like someone who is royally pissed off at everything that he sees.

“We have the individual in question quarantined. The doctor had identified three other individuals who are experiencing onset symptoms. He has not quarantined those individuals yet, however, he has independently spoken with the management and has these individuals in a separate quarter of the store which will be the isolation area. This area will be sectioned off with medical vinyl, which is being erected as we speak. We have requested additional medical personnel to monitor both the isolation area with the doctor and the quarantine space without the doctor. I am directing you guys stay away from the section by the photo department. Am I clear?”

A resounding ‘yes, sir!’ echoes in the small space, and the Colonel looks pleased.

“Very well. I have here a list of areas which will need to be overseen. However, during this time, to lessen any anxieties that may be present, please do not present yourselves as a threat. We’re here as support and protection. You also may remove your guns to not appear as aggressive. Talk to the people here, listen to them, pay attention. If you see someone with the symptoms of the virus, I want to know immediately,” he walks in my direction and hands me the clipboard that he picks up from the desk beside him. “Sargent First Class James will start off the tasks due to seniority, please make sure that your name is listed on this sheet, so I am aware of where you will be primarily posted in case I need to find you.”

I take the clipboard from him and search the sheet. I put my name down on the meal duty, in hopes to be working alongside Kendall, then pass the clipboard to the private beside me.

I walk over to the Colonel and wait for him to finish speaking to one of the younger guys. When he turns to me, he has a smile on his face, which is odd.

“James. While you may have signed up for an area, being a senior officer here means that I want you to have your eyes wide open, more so than the others. Since we have more than one infected, we need to make sure that we stop this spread of the virus as fast as we can. That’s why we’re here, to act as one unified voice in lieu of what the government is reporting. Can you please be consistent with medical also, as needed?”

“Absolutely sir. What are we doing for the individuals who are showing symptoms but not quarantined? Why would we not quarantine them?” I ask with concern.

“We have them being pumped with fluids currently. They are being monitored on the hour by a medic in the treatment area and they are blocked off from the rest of the individuals here. There is no chance for cross contamination. No one else is allowed in that space at the present time. We get reports each time they are checked. We’re doing what we can at the moment, but until the patients status is declining, we cannot fully contain them with the gentleman who did officially test positive,” he says.

“And the gentleman?” I ask.

“Classified son.” He says immediately.

“Sir, we’re all put at risk here. If I am in the same vicinity as these patients, I’m more at risk and would appreciate getting appropriate clearance, with all due respect, sir.”

“I’ll see what I can do. I understand your concern, James. But as of right now, we are allowed to provide information on a case by case basis. And at this moment, we need you as our eyes and ears out on the floor and make sure that we pay attention.”

“Got it,” I reply.

“Good, now get out there. Help where you can. Lock up your gun, smile a little. Go make friends.”

“Yes, sir,” I salute him and turn on my heels.

Go make friends.



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