Page 9 of In the End

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I’m stirring the pot of chili, lost in my own little world when I feel someone’s eyes on me. I look up and see Levi walking towards me. He looks less menacing, more relaxed and even has a smile on his face.

He’s not wearing his jacket, instead he has on a black Henley with his sleeves rolled up and looking damn fine as his eyes burn into mine while he approaches.

“Hi,” I say once he comes to my side. I’m not sure if my “hi” was as breathy as it sounded to me.

“Hey there, I’m here to serve, I’ve been assigned to kitchen duty, where can I be of assistance?” He asks, clapping his hands together while looking around.

“You got assigned over here?” I quirk an eye brow as I turn to look at him.

He shrugs and with a sheepish smile across his full lips, he says, “Okay, so I chose to work over here. But yeah, I picked the kitchen area.”

“You did? Why would that be?” I’m pulling for information any more of a sign that what I was sensing from our conversation earlier was more than friendly.

Hell, a girls gotta dream while in quarantine, right?

“Other than the fact that I like food, I figured that you would be here, so any chance that I could take to be of assistance and get to know you a little better is all for the greater good.”

“The greater good? Oh lord.” I shake my head.

“So, what’s on the menu?” he asks looking over my shoulder.

“Chili dogs and salad for the meat eaters, and pasta with salad for the non.”

“Do we know who is a carnivore and who is a plant eater?”

“That’s something that you’re going to find out, mister.” I point at him. “This is your first task, mister.”

I put my label down and turn around in search of something for Levi to write with to keep track of who prefers what.

I hand a notebook to him with a smile. “Write down their names, that way for future meals, should we be here longer than twenty-four hours, we will know the food preferences.”

While he’s gone, I busy myself with making sure we have an abundance of paper bowls and utensils, and before I know it, Levi is walking back in my direction.

As he approaches, he’s looking a little less enthusiastic and I can’t help but to laugh.

“What’s the matter?” I ask him holding my hand out for the notebook.

“I don’t have the answers that they wanted, or rather there are some that I’m not allowed to give, and so I got a few shakes of the fist and royal ass rippings.” he says, his tune full of sorrow, as he looks at the ground.

“Well, they’re looking at you as someone who isn’t letting them go home. In some way, you’re the enemy, even though them being here isn’t your fault. There’s always a bad guy and you just had the unfortunate moment where you had to deal with it. Hasn’t that been something that you’ve dealt with before?” I ask.

“We normally aren’t confined with those that we are protecting,” he says.

“Well, welcome to the new normal.” I smile for a moment, then feel gloom settle over me. “Sorry, I’m not trying to be so nonchalant about it, but it’s nice to know that you are affected by this all, just as much as everyone else.”

“I would say that I’m about as affected as you would be. Maybe a little more, because my job is essential, even if I wanted to run ad hide, call out sick, what have you, I wouldn’t be able to because I have my unit looking to me for answers, or a job to do and do well enough to make it look like I’m not affected.”

I look over the list and the majority of people are meat eaters, so I feel good about the chili. I instruct Levi on what to tell one of the butchers who are in the back room what we will be needing. He helps with making the salad and then returns to my side when it’s time to start serving everyone. I have a bullhorn that Janelle gave me, and I hand it over to Levi to alert the people that are here.

People line up and go through the line quietly. Levi and I do our best to smile at everyone and make sure that they all get enough food for their meals. When the line dies down, it’s our turn to eat, and we take a seat behind the kitchen area to eat in silence.

“So, aside from visiting your dad regularly and your best friend, what do you do back in Phoenix? You know, for fun?”

“Before the end of the world?” I joke.

“Of course,” he laughs before putting a spoonful in his mouth.

“Well, I did what everyone does. I spend time with friends and work my ass off. Honestly, there’s nothing about me that would stand out from a crowd.”

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