Page 33 of In the End

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“But they are coming, right?”

“Yes. I read here in your file that you have a medical background and have been helping the doctor with a lot of the tests and intakes, is that correct?” She asks as I nod.

“What does that have to do with anything?” I ask.

“Just trying to find the localized space of transmission,” she answers.

Beeping happens from across the room and I turn my head quickly, which puts my mind in a tailspin.

The nurse stands and rushes over to the side where someone is shaking. They’re intubated as well and I’m not sure who they are from this angle. I want to stand and move over to Kendall’s bedside, but I’m not even sure I can maneuver my arms the way that I need to. I don’t attempt, and I watch the nurse from a distance instead, feeling helpless.

Another person in scrubs that I wasn’t aware was around, comes from a door that must only lead to the outside and he rushes to aid her. Moments later, the beeping is gone, and the new person turns around with a deep breath, his hands on his hips and his head hanging.

“Hey, looks who’s awake!” he says when he lifts his head. “How are you feeling?

* * *

I sat by Kendall’s bedside for hours, until I was so exhausted that I passed out in the wheelchair. When I wake up in the morning, I’m back in bed. I feel no better than I did yesterday, but I’m hopeful that soon, I will begin to feel like my old self.

I look to Kendall and see the sweat dropping down the side of her face, the bed is drenched as well.

Was this how I was? She said my temperature dropped, didn’t she?

My eyes are heavy and I’m about to sit up, but the monitor beside Kendall begins to blare. My eyes bulge out of their sockets as panic engulfs me.

“Nurse! Nurse!” I yell as loud as I can, despite the absolute paid that pulses down my throat.

Three people in scrubs rush over to Kendall’s side.

“No, no, no. How the hell is this happening? She was doing so good. What the hell happened?” A male voice asks.

“Shhh, let’s just get this resolved. Hand me a new ventilator, this one is busted,” someone else asks.

“Fuck.” Is the last thing that I hear, before I pass out from too much adrenaline pulsing through my body at the worry.



“Sir, I demand to know how is it that I’m on the mend and she isn’t? I was brought back out here and she’s still in the quarantined space. Why am I not there with her?” I ask the doctor.

I’ve been moved out of the quarantine room and despite my arguing, they won’t allow me back into the space.

It’s been two more days since I’ve come out of this, and while I’ve gotten better—Kendall hasn’t and I’m not sure this is something that I can deal with. I can’t take care of myself when I’m worried about her.

I— I—I love her.

I do. I love her, and I cannot lose her.

The realization hits and my need for her only increases.

“I know she’s important to you, kid. But, I’ll say it again, I need you to take care of yourself. That’s the best thing that you can do for Ms. Jameson, that way, when she comes out of this, you can be her rock and take care of her.”

“Doc, you sound so sentimental.” I laugh. “But seriously, what is happening? They won’t tell me anything!”

“Sometimes, people react differently to vaccines. For instance, when you get the flu shot, some people have a reaction and some do not. In this instance, her body is still trying to fight off the good that the vaccine is trying to do and hold on to keeping her sick.”

“You’re talking as if the virus is a person,” I say.

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