Page 32 of In the End

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I hear loud beeping and a commotion beside me, I force my swollen eyes open and turn my head. It’s painful, feels like I’m breaking bones just to look somewhere other than the ceiling. And it’s even more painful when I see that the commotion is surrounding Levi.

I open my mouth to say something, but no sound comes out. Maybe a squeak, but I’m not sure. No one pays me any attention. I can’t move my body to see what’s happening and I’m not entirely sure I would be able to see anything since there look to be multiple people moving around his bed.

I mouth his name, as if he could hear me, and then the room goes dark again.

* * *

My throat is killing me.

My mouth is propped open and there is something shoved down my throat, preventing me from talking. I feel like whatever is in my throat is helping me, though I can’t be sure. The rest of my body still feels like pins and needles and moments of being in an ice block to a heating furnace.

I hit the switch again, try to look to my side to make sure that Levi is still there.

Where is he?

I see more tubes to my side and can only hope that is him.

The nurse comes to my side and stands over me.

“Hey lady, how are we feeling today?”

With my eyes, I move from her to the side several times. She says nothing at first and then she figures it out.

“Oh, Mr. James! He’s here, he’s doing better than he was yesterday. I think that if you guys are on the same track, that you’ll be where is today.” She moves over to his side and fiddles with something that I can’t see, then returns back to me. “And you, you’re doing better. We’ve got you on a ventilator, and your body temperature is now in control. You’ve been in here for about a week, and it seems that you experience what Mr. James does roughly twenty-four hours later.”

A knock sounds on the door and she excuses herself and the room fades to black again.



“Well, Mr. James, it would appear that you are out of the dark. The worst is over, and your symptoms aren’t getting worse, but will be getting better with time.” The nurse tells me.

I cough, rub my throat and take a quick sip of the water provided to me.

“And the vaccine?” I manage to ask, each syllable piercing my throat with a scratching pain.

“It looks like this one has a positive effect on you,” she says with a smile.

I crane my head to Kendall’s bed, “And her?” I ask.

“She’s coming along as well. If the pattern is consistent, she should be out of the woods within a few days.”

“Days?” I whisper in confusion.

“Ah yes. So, the timeline, you went into isolation two weeks ago. Three days later, you were in here with worsening signs and trouble breathing. You were in and out of consciousness for about two days, then we intubated you…” her voice trails off as she skims the page, “and you woke up twice, your symptoms stayed relatively level until two nights ago, when your body temperature dropped significantly. Then, last night you were back to normal, and we tried to pull out all the breathing apparatuses, and well how are you feeling?” She poises her pen asking.

“I feel like I’ve been run over a few times.” I press my fingers against my throat. “This feels like I’m swallowing glass, and even my fingertips are in pain.”

“You’re going to slowly begin to feel better, but you can’t put added pressure on yourself. You’re not out of the clear yet, you are however, the first person with the virus here to have come out of the symptoms so quickly. We are not sure what the next steps would be, as we’re basically learning everything off of you.” She says, scribbling on her pad.

“Have there been any additional people admitted since we’ve been here?” I ask slowly.

“We’ve had seven, two of which are in here now, on the new vaccine and the other five are still in isolation, also on the vaccine. We’re hoping that you and your lady over there aren’t the only special ones to come out of this quickly, so we’re not taking any chances.”

“Anyone who contracts the virus, is immediately placed on the trial vaccine? What about everyone else?” I ask.

“We don’t have enough yet to distribute to everyone.”

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