Page 25 of In the End

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Hell, I haven’t even picked up my phone since being in here, and it’s… refreshing.

I’ve seen people support one another during this time and I’ve also seen people get pissed off and band together when they want information.

And then, I’ve seen the hard work that the guys who are here taking precautions to protect us have done. I’ve seen Levi feeling a gamut of emotions when he comes back from a briefing and it hasn’t been the easiest. Our world isn’t the same and won’t be for quite some time.

The National Guard has been more transparent in regard to the isolation and quarantine on-site since the crowd requested more information last week, and while it’s eased some of the frustration happening in the store—it also added stress that wasn’t there before.

During this two-week period, at least ten people have been moved into the isolation area and likely further moved into the quarantine zone beyond that. We have been told that there have been no deaths, and the individuals beyond isolation are monitored around the clock by someone that was brought in on the outside.

What else can go wrong?



I’m exhausted.

I worked an overnight tonight, which contained a shit-ton of meetings that revolved around what was happening outside these walls. There’s a quietness that feels eerie and a whole lot of walking.

The fact that people are continuing to enter the isolation area well after the first individual was quarantined, echoes with what is being said on the outside. People could be asymptomatic; their bodies could be harboring some of the virus and they wouldn’t even know it. They could be infecting people without even knowing it and then the virus would be spread quicker just the same.

We’ve gotten new news in regards to how the disease could be transmitted, how long it can remain on surfaces, and how long the quarantine period should last, and it’s terrifying.

There is a high number of people that are recovering from the virus from all around the world, meaning that there is a silver lining.

There is hope.

And that’s what the quarantine in this space has been for.

Sure, the store acted quickly and placed a bunch of strangers in isolation together, and what better place to do that, then a freaking super store. While the bill is racking up, it’s just a small price that people are having to pay. These people are not seeing their families, their homes or going on with their everyday lives. They are forced to be with strangers in here who will now be a part of their history.

Cell service in the store, sucks. There is one area that there is coverage and that’s the front of the store. So, throughout the day, you will see people standing separately talking on their phones on a daily basis. This morning, Kendall is sitting on a chair, close to the door with her phone to her ear and a plastered smile on her face. I can tell that the smile on her face is forced as to appear that she’s happy while on the phone. I can only guess that she’s talking to her dad, as he’s the main person that she’s talked about since we’ve met.

She’s not close to anyone else in her family, and her mother passed away when she was younger. Aside from Janelle, her dad means the world to her and I’m pretty sure that even though she just came from seeing him a few weeks ago that talking to him, makes her feel better in knowing that he is on lockdown as well.

I glance over to her and she’s sitting up straight with her head leaning back on the wall. Her eyes are closed and there is a calmness in her features as she gets off the phone.

I walk over to where she is and take a seat beside her.

“How was your night?” She asks, her eyes still closed.

“Long, a lot of politics and I think I may have fallen asleep with my eyes open at one point. How are you this morning? How’s your dad?” I ask.

“He’s bored. He just wants to go to community center with his friends to flirt with the ladies and play cards with some of the guys. Instead, he’s talking to his neighbor, who he doesn’t get along with very well from their respective patios and not leaving his villa. So, one could say that he’s not in his element right now.” she says.

“At least he’s getting some sort of socialization during all of this, maybe through this they become friends.” I tell her.

“He did ask about you, he said that next time that he and I talk, that you better be on the call as well.” She opens her eyes and tilts her head towards me.

“Why on Earth would he want to talk to me, it’s not like I’m playing an important role here, I’m just guarding this area and making sure that everyone is saying safe,” I say a little louder than necessary as I see the Colonel a few feet away, making his own phone call from his personal phone.

“I think that he would like to hear this information from a trained professional to feel safe, especially since I’m trusting in you and you’re also keeping me safe, wouldn’t you think that would be an acceptable request Sargent First Class James?” she asks, using my full calling, yet saying it with a sultry tone. “Plus, I told him about us.”

“You’re going to be the death of me, you realize that, right?” I lean towards her and whisper.

“All the more fun that I can have, the better.” she winks.

“If I wasn’t ready to pass out, I would take you into our spot and push you up against the shelf and fuck you while not letting you come.” I tell her.

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