Page 24 of In the End

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“There are vaccine trials that are beginning, but there is nothing specific that is known to eradicate the virus. Many states are on this lock-down to prevent spreading of this disease, and due to this, we’re hoping that we will see less cases.”

“Have there been any deaths?” Another person asks.

“Yes, I do not know the exact numbers, but there are people who are dying.”

He continues to talk and update people as my gaze wanders to Levi, standing directly beside him. He looks tired, which is new. Previous briefings or just when he’s officially on duty, he reflects no emotion, but now, he looks like he could pass out.

* * *

“How many people are missing?” Janelle asks.

“I’m not sure. I don’t think it’s over ten people,” I reply quietly.

“Has Levi said how sick the people who are in the other quarantine are?” She asks.

“No, but I also haven’t asked.” I shake my head.

“Haven’t asked what?” Levi says pulling up a chair beside me.

“Do you want to play the blinking game again?” I ask with a smirk.

“Just ask me the questions, I think we’re well aware that you will get information out of me regardless, we might as well not play any games.” He rolls his eyes.

“Okay, are you sure? I don’t want to get you into any trouble,” I say giving him an out.

“Shoot, ask me anything.”

“How old were you when you first discovered masturbation?” Janelle asks without cracking a smile.

“Ten. Now questions that aren’t about me please,” he says.

“Party pooper,” Janelle pouts.

“How sick are the people that are in the adjoined quarantine?” I ask, getting to the point.

“To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I have only been in the isolation room once, and haven’t been past there, or privy to that information.”

“No whispering of if they’ve gotten better, or anything?”

“No clue, but I have heard that they will be introducing one of the trials here. The doc has connections and asked to be a part of a small sector of it. I’m not sure if they’ve introduced it yet, though. It could be still on its way.”

“How long do you think that we will be here?” Janelle asks.

“Honestly, I’m going to guess until the order is lifted for the state,” he says.

I take that information in, digest it then look to Janelle. This isn’t something that will go away quickly.

* * *

With two weeks of living in the store, I’ve learned that I’ve taken the freedoms in my life for granted as well as the simplest things.

For one, I miss my tiny one-bedroom apartment with the over expensive luxury shower head that cascades water like I’m in the rain forest. I miss wearing my own clothes and sleeping in my bed with my weighted blanket and fluffy pillows.

I miss everyday life. I miss going to the Farmers Market to get stuff to cook. I miss getting the weekend newspapers and timing myself to see how long it takes me to do the crossword puzzles. And I definitely miss lounging around on my couch eating ice cream out of the tub and watching cartoons. But now, I have a new normal. It includes making meals for almost two hundred people on a daily basis and being creative with that to not get too boring and to keep people positive. It includes being in the same space with my best friend, which hadn’t happened in years since we became official adults and living on our own. And it includes a man that I didn’t see coming.

If anything, that this whole situation has taught me, is that simple happiness can come from nowhere and from the smallest things.

I don’t need to be strapped to the media. I don’t need to be updating my Facebook status when I want to share the stupidest thoughts, and I definitely do not need to post photos of my food whenever I eat something.

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