Page 23 of In the End

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After I get out of the isolation space, I stand in the in between space, where a disinfectant zone has been erected. I dump my fatigues in the bin and stand stark ass naked washing my body in the scalding hot water then change into a pair of scrubs.

I run my hand through my short-wet hair as I walk back to the area where everyone else is. I scan the crowd for Kendall, but don’t see her. I walk around to where the mess hall is and see that she’s sitting with Janelle, holding a meeting with a group of the staff who work in the kitchen.

I watch her from where I’m standing off to the side, she can’t see me, but I can see that she’s the one holding court since she’s talking and holding the clipboard. Since I do spend time there helping to prepare some of the meals, I decide to join the meeting.

Kendall’s eyes flash to me and she smiles immediately. I lean against the wall and cross my arms over my chest. She then really looks at me, taking in my appearance as she breaks from speaking.

I see concern flash in her eyes, her smile dims, but she’s quick to change and get back to the matter at hand.

We go over the next few meals and also people give in their two cents for what they would like to see cooked. Janelle keeps a tally of what is being used, and at the end of each day, she provides the list to the Colonel.

Once the meeting has dispersed, Kendall and I are left alone together.

“Should I be worried that you aren’t wearing what you normally are?” she asks.

“No, all precautions were taken. That’s why I am wearing this over my usual clothes.” I tell her.

She takes that as assurance and comes to stand in front of me, her hand goes to my arm while she pulls them from standing with my arms crossed.

I can see that she wants to step into me, that she wants my arms to wrap around her, but she also knows that because of my job, we still need to keep our relationship under wraps.

“Is there something that I need to worry about?” she asks.

“We have another person sitting in isolation right now,” I tell her.

“Oh crap,” she says.

“It’s spreading, and we don’t really know how to stop it.”

“What’s the word from outside these walls?” she asks.

“I wish I knew.” I shrug.

“Wait, are you telling me that we’re in our own little bubble?” Her jaw drops.

“I’m not sure if my superiors are in that boat or the doctor, but I think the vast majority has no clue.”

“Is that something that we can ask?”

“It’s definitely something,” I tell her, with the full intention that will be the number one topic that I bring up during our morning briefing.

We need to have some information, and that is the only way that we will get out of this healthy.



I’m eagerly waiting for Levi to come back from his morning briefing and general walk through of the store. He promised that he would see if the people in the store can get an update.

I’m sitting talking with a few of the others in the store when the Colonel enters the area.

“Can I have everyone in the store come to the common area in the center of the store please? I would like to make an announcement in five minutes, please.”

He waits patiently as more people come into the space from all around the store. When it appears that everyone is here, the guys in the National Guard, including Levi, come to stand united with him.

“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your attention and for continuing to remain calm during this time. I realize that some of you may not have the knowledge of what is happening outside this store, and for that, I apologize for my lack of communication. I will be better. And so, without further ado, we are getting steady reports. Currently, the state is on lock-down. People are not allowed out of their homes, unless the reasoning is essential. The amount of people who have been infected with the virus is catastrophic.”

“Is there any report of a vaccine?” Someone asks.

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