Page 13 of In the End

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He shakes his head, the movement is small, but noticeable.

“These people are outside of the facility,” I wait for any indication of him to say something. When he doesn’t, I continue.

“There is a vaccine.” I say with hope.

“They’re working on one,” he says quietly stepping closer.

“Why is this information being kept from everyone?” I ask, my voice cracking.

He steps into me, places his hands on my arms and I see the same stress that I saw when I first found him over here.

“To not cause a panic.”

“But instead, you’re not letting people know that they could be at risk? How would that be fair?”

“I don’t know. I really do not know. I want to say something, I want them to say something, you saw me—I’m not okay with keeping this information to myself, and I’m pretty sure that none of the other guys are as well. This is part of our job though, we know classified information that civilians don’t know and sometimes, we’re just not allowed to say certain things to the general public. It’s a burden that unfortunately is a part of our jobs. I shouldn’t have even allowed you to make those guesses and I shouldn’t even be having this conversation with you right now.”

“Then why are you?” I ask.

“Because no matter how hard I try to act professional, I’m drawn to you and regardless of how long I’ve known you, I don’t want to hide anything from you. I don’t think that I would even be able to.”



She smiles then moves to her tippy-toes and leans up to kiss me. It’s a sweet move and something that I need more than anything. But I’m battling internally with whether or not getting involved with her would be a good idea.

I’m working, and I shouldn’t let myself get distracted.

She’s a distraction.

But she’s a welcome distraction and I’m not against spending my last days with her, should that be how the situation turns.

But I need to do what is right and that would be to remain professional and go against my wants and desires.

I look at her and take a step back.

“As much as it feels right, as much as that kiss was perfect and simply amazing, I think that I need to remain professional.”

I see her enthusiasm vanish with my words.

“I’m working, and I shouldn’t take advantage of you.” I continue.

“You aren’t taking advantage,” she says.

“I know, but I’m supposed to be here to protect and it would look like I was taking advantage to others who are not involved.” I explain.

“Okay,” she says quietly, looking at her shoes.

I step in front of her again, with my thumb and forefinger, I lift her chin to look at me.

“I’m sorry, trust me. I’m really sorry. If this was any other time, things would be a whole lot different.” I tell her.

She smiles, but it’s forced. I lean down and for the unbearable last time, I gently sweep my lips across her, lingering for a moment and wishing that we were somewhere else before I pull away and place distance between us.

“I’m sorry,” I say again.

This time her smile is genuine, and she tilts her head. “You’re a good guy, you know that?”

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