Page 12 of In the End

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After a moment more, we pull apart. Both of us are gasping for air as we look at one another. His eyes are burning with desire as he catches his breath, and looks at me.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” he says.

“I know,” I admit.

He leans in and brushes his lips against mine, licks then bites my lower lip eliciting a rush of butterflies in my stomach at the hotness of it. My fingertips dig into the flesh of his shoulder and I fight to not move my hips on his lap, but when his hands move to my hips then grasp my ass, out of instinct I press against him.

He throws his head back and groans as his hands pull me fully along his length.

“Fuck.” He hisses through his clenched teeth. “That feels so good.”

His walkie-talkie, that is next to us on the boxes we’re sitting on goes off and I hear his name. We pull apart and I scurry off of his lap with my heart beating rapidly against my ribcage as I catch my breath from the interruption as if I was caught with a boy in my room.

Levi picks up the call, never taking his eyes off of me, as he bends at the knees and adjusts himself with a smirk.

“James, here.” He says turning around turning the volume down.

I fidget with a loose strand on my t-shirt, trying to give him some distance, regardless of the tingling of my body to be near him.

I hear him murmur something, and then he turns to me and begins walking over to where I’m standing and stops a foot away from me.

“Hi,” he says.

“Hi,” I shift my weight from one foot to the other feeling like I’m in high school and talking to my crush.

“I feel like I should apologize,” he starts, but I hold my hand up in protest for him to not continue.

“No, there are no apologies. Not when we don’t know what will happen from one moment to the next.”

“I’m not supposed to be doing that. I’m on duty and I don’t want to take advantage of you.”

“It’s not taking advantage of me, not at all.” I tell him taking a step back to add distance between us.

“If anything, I took advantage of you,” I smirk.

“I should be careful though, we don’t know what is happening with the virus and I don’t want you to get infected.”

“Wait, are you?” I ask, completely taken off guard.

“Oh shit, no. I’m not. I’m sorry. Crap. I’m just saying, what if I have whatever this is and don’t know it. I’m testing negative, but right now, we don’t know how long that will be for.” He says, somewhat providing a little insight that I’m not even sure he knows that he is at the moment.

“If I ask you a question, like say I’m making a guess—that won’t be you telling me something, that’s me making a guess, right?” I ask.

“What are you trying to do, Kendall?”

“I don’t know but bear with me here. Levi, there is someone within this store that is infected, am I correct in that assumption?”

He says nothing.

“I’m going to take the silence as a yes, unless you tell me specifically,” I tell him.

He remains silent but keeps eye contact.

“There is more than one person who has the virus within the store?”

I’m still met with silence, and since he hasn’t said anything, I continue making my guesses.

“These people who have the virus are in the store currently.”

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