Page 57 of Clutch Endgame

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“But Captain America is my favorite. He wears tights.”

“If the amazing Mr. Marvel himself, Stan Lee made you into a superhero - I have a feeling you would be in tights.”

“Mr. Marvel would put me in bad ass gear that would be easy to move around in.” Gunnar sticks out his chest.

“Like tights.” I nod.

“What? No.”

“Admit it Gun, you’d be a tights wearing superhero.” I smile.

“Yes, dear.” He says placating me.

“Ah, look you’re learning. You’re definitely going to be a good husband if you can remember those two words.”

He shakes his head and fills a glass with water from the fridge.

My heart is racing, and I feel like I’m going to pass out. I need to share with him the news that I found out earlier this morning before going to his practice game, but I’m terrified.

My hand slaps onto the table to keep my balance and my other hand flies over my chest. Gunnar notices my motions and looks at me with concern. He holds out his glass to me.

“Need some water or something? You look like you’re going to throw up. You’re sweating as you’ve been hanging out in a sweat lodge. What’s going on with you?” He places the back of his hand against my forehead and our eyes meet.

“Gun.” I say in a quiet tone.

“Let’s go sit down, get you off your feet so you don’t pass out on me. You seemed fine a moment ago.” He helps me to the couch, returns to the kitchen, refills his water, and places it back in my hands.

“Drink. Let me go get you something, what do you need? Aspirin? Is it a headache? You don’t feel like you have a fever.” He places the back of his hand against my forehead and looks to me with concern.

“I don’t need anything, Gun. I’m fine.” I say, in hopes to get him to stop worrying, only knowing that what I need to tell him may make him worry more.



SPRING TRAINING just began and so far, the guys on the Gila Monsters team have been very welcoming. Brian Melmen, the pitcher and I have spent some time practicing, and getting to know each other’s routines and way of working. We’ve become fast friends and I hope that we will eventually build up the kind of friendship that Bently and I had as teammates and friends.

I miss the Hornets, purely because that the family that I’ve had in the entire organization, but I know that time will go on and I hope that time to time, I will get the chance to still hang out with the guys that I got close to and who knows bridge the gaps of teams.

The Skipper with the Gila Monsters, so far has been standoffish, but I think by the start of the season he will warm up to me. He has been riding me hard and putting me in all the practice games as if I was a true rookie, but I know that I need to earn my spot. So, I’m busting my ass daily to prove to him that I deserve a spot on the roster.

I’ve fully recovered from my elbow fracture at the end of last season as if I had never injured it to begin with, the team trainers were shocked that I didn’t experience stiffness and were pleased with my prognosis and clearance to play for this season.

I was beat after the practice game today, afterwards a few of the guys and I went out for drinks and dinner. So, far the other players have been welcoming, aside from their current catcher hasn’t been playing his best for the past two seasons and likely fears that I’m here to replace him. Ultimately, that’s my goal - I’m striving to be a starter, but of course, I don’t have the seniority that he does. Time and perseverance will determine where I will stand with the team once the season begins. I have faith in my capabilities, the team wasn’t gunning for me for nothing, and they likely don’t want me warming the bench, but making a difference on that ball field.

I pull the Jeep into the garage, lean my head back against the seat and smile.

Home, sweet home.

I take a moment to relish in the fact of how amazing my life is. It was great in San Diego, and it’s just as great here in Arizona. The house is more than we can ask for; we can eventually have a family to fill some of the empty bedrooms with and plenty of memories to make here. I figure to not waste any more time in the garage and head on inside to where my woman is.

I find her washing dishes at the island sink in our kitchen. Her hair is down, light waves in her hair begging for me to run my fingers through, pull her to me and kiss her senseless. Which I do.

I’m still amazed at the way my elbow has magically healed. After making fun of my superhero status with Sawyer, I continue extending my arms and fingers, knowing I should just leave it alone and thank my superhero guardian angel for not giving me any sort of issues upon my injury healing.

I grab myself some water and turn as I take a sip and notice that Sawyer’s demeanor has suddenly changed. She looks like she’s going to hurl all over the floor, she’s sweating and looks like she will pass out. I rush to her and hand her my water encouraging her to drink it.

“Let’s go sit down, get you off your feet so you don’t pass out on me. You seemed fine a moment ago.” I take her to the couch and then return to the kitchen, refill my water and bring it back to her, worrying about what the hell just happened. She doesn’t get sick very often, so when she does I probably tend to overreact.

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