Page 34 of Clutch Endgame

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THE FRONT OFFICE doors swoosh open and I put one dreaded foot in front of the other. I weave through the cubicles all the way to my office along the back wall. I was granted an office after the first year of working with the Hornets, even though I pushed back and refused the office at first, I came into the office one morning and all my belongings in my cubicle was moved into the office that I am now walking into.

It’s nothing glamorous, it has four walls and a roof, one of the walls was half window overlooking Interstate 8 freeway. I have a few photos hanging on the wall, some inspirational quotes and a few of Gunnar and myself.

I haven’t been at work in two weeks. I left excited to start on another season full of promos for the teams’ new players and the current roster. I came back with no idea or direction as to how my career will go and what my future days will contain.

Will I get new clients? Will those clients push me harder or less than the Hornets did? Will my new clients like me? Will I like them?

My nerves are rattled as I take a seat behind my desk, not just because of the potential of a completely new workload, but also because today Gunnar has his meetings with management to discuss his future and the options that are on the table for him. I start up the computer and see the calendar appointment for a meeting with Mr. Lyons, to likely discuss new clients.

I look at the clock and note that I have a few minutes to spare before my meeting and make a visit to the ladies room and then to the kitchen to fill up my mug with coffee.

“Rotham!” A booming voice from behind says into the empty room.

I turn around and see Wayne from the Art Department.

“Hey Wayne.” I say with a smile as I stir the milk into my coffee.

“Welcome back! How was the beiges of Arizona?”

“The beiges of Arizona?” I ask.

“You know, because Arizona is all desert and shit.” He laughs.

I roll my eyes and bring the mug to my lips as the warm smoky vanilla-like flavor bursts onto my taste buds.

“Oh Wayne. Always the joker. Arizona was great; it was perfect weather and good company.” I say as I make my way across the room, in his direction. “I’ve got a meeting, nice to see you.”

I walk past him, into my office to pick up my notepad and then I knocked on my boss’s office door. I open the door and take a seat in front of his desk, ready for whatever he hands me.

He had a bunch of different colored folders lining up one side of his desk and on the other side; his computer screens had a few spreadsheets on them.

I settle into the chair with an eagerness to hear what he has to say. I just didn’t expect it to bum me out as much as it did.



I FEEL like today has been a busy day.

So much information, and so much to look forward to. I just had a lot of thinking to do, and I couldn’t wait to share the information with Sawyer.

There are still another few hours until Sawyer would get home from her workday, so I worked out in the gym. I got over the initial high of all the information discussed during the several meetings today and after I showered in the locker room, I made my way home.

“Hey laaaaady?” I call through the house as I set my bag down just inside the door to our condo.

I hear her tinkering around in the kitchen and set my feet in that direction.

Our condo is small; it is two bedrooms and condensed. The kitchen, the dining room and living room are all one big room. Spending so much time in that huge house in Arizona definitely left me craving change for something bigger. I just hope that Sawyer feels the same.

I turn the corner, see Sawyer slinging back a shot and then slam the shot glass down on the counter.

“Whoa. Shit day babe?” I ask her as I stand on the other side of the counter.

“Definitely not an awesome day,” she slurs.

With concern, I observe her and notice that her hair looks like she’s run her hands through it repeatedly; she hasn’t changed out of her work clothes, which she usually does as soon as she comes home, and she’s obviously drunk.

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