Page 21 of Clutch Endgame

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“Our relationship?”

“This thing between you and I… yeah our relationship,” I start. “Please take me back. I’m not above begging. I will get down on my hands and knees in front of everyone here.”

“Please don’t,” she shakes her head.

“So, will you give me another chance?”

“No,” she says without a skip. “There’s no reason for another chance when you were blindsided with this as well. What I should have done was not try to tune you out, but I should have taken this whole thing on with you. I shouldn’t have let you go to bat for me when it involved me just as much.”

“Have you ever heard of a clutch?”

“Yeah, I’ve got a bunch of them in my closet.”

I laugh and shake my head. “No, it’s a baseball term. It’s a term for performance under pressure, when that performance really matters. This thing with you and me really matters to me. Once I found out the details behind those news reports, I went to bat for you, for me and for us. For this.” I hold my hand out to her.

“Is everything always going to resort to baseball terms with you?”

“That’s what happens when you date a baseball player!”

“Great. I guess I better get more invested into the game.”

“As long as you’re wearing my number, I’ll be happy.”


DEAR FANS of the San Diego Hornets, fans of Gunnar “The Gun” Reynolds, friends, acquaintances, and family of Sawyer Rotham,

This is an apology thatcomes from the bottom of my heart; I will keep it short but meaningful.

First, I want to say that I never intended any harsh thoughts or ill intent on the lies that I exaggerated to news sources. I simply thought that I was doing right by my job, yet I brought it into the personal realm instead of focusing on the team itself. I made it gossip, and for that I apologize wholeheartedly.

Second, I apologize to the friends, acquaintances, and family of Sawyer. I should never have dragged her name through the flames as I did. It was morally wrong of me to do so. It was not fair and none of which was reported was in any way true.

Next, I apologize to the San Diego Hornets, the players, management and fans. I created lies, thinking that they would earn more news. I was supposed to be bringing positive light to the organization, and instead I did nothing for the team and only for the type of news that belongs in the magazines at supermarket checkouts. I used my position for all the wrong reasons.

LASTLY, I would like to apologize to Gunnar Reynolds. You did nothing to deserve the hateful words that were said, all of which were fabricated out of jealousy and the need for fame. I thank you for the time of friendship that you bestowed upon me when I first started with the team, and I am remorseful for my actions and loss of friendships. I sincerely hope that Sawyer and your relationship can shine brighter than any star; I have no doubt that it will.


Melinda Pittman

Hornet’s Media Relations





LIFE HAS BEEN nice to me in the past few years. I have an amazing career, an unconventional network of friends, and an incredible man in my life.

It has been four years since I met Gunnar Reynolds and truly became his biggest fan. I’ve been living the life of the girlfriend of a player - a baseball player - and my days are never boring.

Baseball season was starting up again, and Gunnar is getting ready for a month-long busy schedule to prepare for the upcoming season. Half of that time, I would be in Scottsdale with the Hornets, following their practices, and getting one on one interviews with the prospects for the up-coming year. The other half of the time, I would be back here in San Diego - working my day-to-day, filling the time with lunches with the wives and girlfriends of other players and missing Gunnar.

My years are not calendar-by-calendar, but season to season - and all the craziness was just about to begin.

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