Page 22 of Clutch Endgame

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“It’s going to be nuts being away from you for so long.” Gunnar says placing his away bag onto the bed.

“I mean, it sucks - but I’ll be in Arizona soon enough and then it won’t be so bad.” I shrug, trying to convince not only him, but myself as well.

“Yeah, but I’ll be so freaking tired by the time I come to the room, that I will be of no use to you.”

“I don’t think you’ve ever been out of use, Gun,” I tease him.

He looks at me for a moment and then a slow smile forms to his lips.

“Okay, you’re right. But still,” he replies with a playful pout as he stuffs clothes into his bag.

“We do this every year; it’s not our first rodeo.” I remind him. “I’ll see you in a few weeks and it will be as if time never got away from us.”

He pushes his away bag to the side of him and pulls me close. He pushes my honey brown hair off of my shoulder, wraps the length around his palm. He angles my head and takes my mouth with his with full heat.

Our tongues twist together. His hand releases my hair and moves to hold my hips. He pulls me flush against him and grinds his hips against mine as he groans into my mouth.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck. You see, I need this every day. I can’t abstain from you for that long without going completely crazy,” he says with his lips moving against mine.

“It’s the time of year when you just have to make sure your iPad and your phone are fully charged by the time you get back to the house. That way, until we’re back together - we can… you know.” I wiggle my eyebrows.

“Argh. I hate this,” he says in frustration as he pulls my shirt over my head. “Can’t I just put you in my luggage?”

“We have the house rental all set, right?” I ask, confirming that when I arrive that we will have our room all to ourselves.

“I made the arrangements myself, with the help of course from a few of the guys, who own homes in the area.”

Gunnar used to bunk with one of the other guys who rented a house during spring training, but since we’ve been together – it’s been nice to have our own space. We do the same sometimes for away games too. While I don’t travel exclusively with the team, I’m at as many games as I can be at during the season. Luckily, with my number one client, being the team – I can always be using the excuse to be working if I must be at a game. After the first year, the team’s coaches nicknamed me Chainsaw to add an edge to my name. Apparently, calling me Saw wasn’t something that he like and since I’ve become a part of the Hornets Family, and most of everyone that I came across in the franchise had a nickname, I stopped fighting it. Chainsaw was kind of bad ass, anyways.

“Enough with the talking. I want to get my full fill up on my lady before I have to do anything else.”

He unhooks my bra and his hands replace the fabric as he pinches my nipples and pulls on them slightly. My back arches and I moan into the nearly silent room.

His mouth travels down the column of my neck with nips from his teeth and light sucking as he leaves open mouth kisses in his wake. He lowers himself to his knees and begins to pull the button of my shorts through the grommet hole. He tugs at the waistband and pulls my panties down as well. He leans in and inhales at the crest of my pubic bone.

“Fuck. You smell divine.” He groans as his tongue peeks out and lashes against my center.

His big hands are placed on the back of my thighs as he eats at me. The sensations overtaking my body and making me want more as I grab him by the jaw and pull him up before my knees completely buckle and I can no longer stand.

“Want you.” I say directing his face to mine.

Gunnar’s hands roam across my back, adding pressure and pulling me tightly against him as our mouths make love to one another, while I step out of my shorts and fumble with getting a grip on his sweatpants waistband.

“Need you.” I say into our kiss.

I’M STANDING at the trunk of my car as Gunnar pulls out his personal equipment bag. He places it beside him and reaches back into the trunk to grab his bag. The majority of equipment and uniforms that he will need are already on the bus, he just brings what he needs and a few lucky items that he cannot part with. While he may not see as much action as the rookies do during Spring Training, he will still be as heavily involved as he normally is during the actual season.

He closes the trunk and smiles affectionately at me as he wraps an arm around my middle.

“It’s just a few weeks before we’ll see each other, don’t go falling in love with some suit.” He says nuzzling his nose against my hair as he takes in a breath.

“And don’t you go falling for any of those cleat chasers. I’ve seen how short their skirts are.” I shoot back at him playfully.

His hand moves from my waist to squeezing my ass.

“The only skirts that I care about are yours.” He says kissing the tip of my nose.

Someone over by the team bus calls Gunnar’s’ name and yells for him to hurry up. Gunnar groans and waves his hand in return then gives me his full attention again.

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