Page 89 of No More Heartache

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All of a suddenI’m thrown into a pool, but it’s a warm pool and it feels like the water is thick as I catch my breath and pull to the surface. I start to wade through the water, but it’s endless and I don’t see an end anywhere. The palms of my hands trail over the surface as I still in my spot. Suddenly, arms are grasping mine and shaking. In the distance, I can hear my name being called by Max, he seems frantic almost manic. Suddenly, my eyes open and I realize that was all a dream. Well, most of it was. Max’s face is hovering over mine and his hands are on my arms.

“Oh thank God. I think your water broke, or you just peed on my dick.” He says.

I take a moment to return to my senses and I feel like I’m sitting in a tub, except I’m sitting in a puddle in our bed.

“Oh gross, great. My baby juice is all over the bed and it’s going to be so gross, ew.”

“That’s what you’re worried about? The bed?” He asks getting out of bed and removing his wet boxers.

He walks into the bathroom and grabs the hand towel and wipes his legs.

“We were spooning when all of a sudden, wetness happened. I thought I had peed, but instead it was your baby juice.” He explains as I openly stare at him.

I start to move to get up and suddenly Max is right in front of me stopping me.

“What are you doing?” I ask.

“Won’t the baby fall out if you stand up?” He asks so innocently.

“Max, you read some of the books, you know that’s not how this works.” I smile, pushing him aside and removing my baby juice soaked shorts.

“What do you want me to do?” He asks.

“Call labor and delivery, the number is on the fridge. Let them know my water just broke, and they will let you know if there’s a room open.”

“What if she comes before I get off the phone?”

“Then she will, but I seriously doubt it. Sometimes it will still take hours for the actual labor part. I’m going to jump in the shower, and wash the baby juice off.” I smile.

Max leaves the room as I turn on the water in the shower. I step under the spray and relish the moment of quietness. There won’t be too many of these soon. A moment later, Max comes into the bathroom.

“They have a room, they said to check in within an hour, but we can take our time. You doing okay?” He asks as he pokes his head into the shower.

“I am. Do you want to join me?” I ask trying to give him my most seductive voice.

“I’m not fucking you right now Tate. I might hit the baby’s forehead.”

“I’m not asking for sex silly. I just want to enjoy the last few moments where it’s just us. Where it’s quiet and where we can take a nice shower without having to clean throw up, milk or poop off of us.” I smile.

“Poop? How would we get poop on us?” He asks as he removes the boxers he just put on.

“Projectile poop. Or blowouts. I hear those are pretty crazy sometimes.” I know that I’m freaking Max out a little, so I continue. “Sometimes, its pee too. My mom used to say that even though I didn’t have a wiener that I would stream my pee like I did as soon as she took off my diapers.”

“This sounds awesome. We might need to put puppy pads all around the house. Or just get rid of carpet all together and put plastic everywhere.” He says as he lathers himself and myself up with soap. His hands slowly run the length of my body, he started from the top and now he’s kneeling. He kisses my belly and moves his body back up.

“I’m going to miss your pregnant belly.” He whispers as he kisses my neck.

“Oh yeah?”

“Might have to knock you up real quick again. We can have like ten babies. That’s like over 10 years of pregnant belly.” He smiles as the spray of water washes all the soap off our bodies.

“What am I, a mule?”

“No, you’re much prettier,” he smiles, kisses me, and retreats from the shower. I can see his shadow as he dries off, and he gathers my towels and places them over the shower curtain. A moment later, I emerge from the bathroom. Max is sitting on the bed, back in his boxers just staring at the bathroom doorway, staring at me.

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