Page 80 of No More Heartache

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“Do I even want to know?” He steps into the living room and braces his hands at the back of the couch as he leans down to kiss the top of my head.

“Probably not.” I mutter.

“Everything okay?” He asks noticing my mood.

“Um, I’m going to let myself out. Captain, take care of our girl here.”

“Wait, does that make me the first mate?” I ask as she gets up.

“Honey, you can be whatever your pretty head desires.”

“You must sure think I’m pretty, since you keep saying stuff about my pretty little head!” I tease still seated.

“I totally have a lady boner for you, especially now that you’re knocked up. I mean look at those boobs. Can I get an Amen!” Sammie jokes.

“Amen!” Max practically shouts.

We all laugh as Sammie disappears and leaves.

Max comes around the couch and sits beside me, he takes my hand and lowers it to his lap, clasping my fingers with his thumb circling.

“Everything okay?” He asks concerned.

“What are we going to do about daycare?” I sighed.

“Well, I think we still have time to figure that out. But maybe my mom can, or we can hire a nanny, or we can take her to a daycare facility. What would you like to do?”

“I have no idea. Oh my God, we should have been talking about this a long time ago.”

“Let’s call my mom tonight and invite my parents over for dinner. Maybe I can finally meet your parents?” He hints.

“I doubt that would be a pleasurable thing. My parents are just weird. Crap, oh my God, do we have any ice cream?” I whine as I push myself off the couch.

“Yeah, I got some more the other day. I’ll call my mom tonight and we’ll have everyone over for dinner this weekend, that way it’s on our home turf and all. How does that sound? Then we can just casually bring up the topic. Do you think your parents would be able to come down?” He gently asks.

“I think that would be great. I’ll call mine tonight too. Thank you.” I smile.

“Everything else okay Tate?” Max is behind me now as I spoon ice cream into my mouth.

“Is my car safe for a baby?” I don’t meet his eyes, afraid of him seeing me so vulnerable.

“I don’t know honestly what would constitute safe, but if you think it wouldn’t be, lets trade your car in and get a different one? I was thinking of doing the same with my bike.” Max shrugs.

“But you practically just got your bike!” I exclaim.

“Babe, it was a purchase that I made because I was bored fresh out of rehab, feeling like I had nothing exciting going on. I’ve ridden it maybe twice since I got it. I’m going to be a family man now honey, maybe I might get a mini-van.” He smiles.

I smile and then suddenly my mind stays stuck on his response of being bored, will he get bored of me and the baby and then go find himself someone else, who doesn’t come with baggage? I feel my smile become forced and I instantly turn around and busy myself by putting away the ice cream.

I can feel Max’s presence behind me and as I turn around, I’m face to face with him.

“Something just happened.” He states as he puts his hands on my shoulders and stares down into my eyes. “Talk to me?”

“It’s nothing.” I reply, lowering my eyes.

“Bull. I’ve come to know your body language quite well, and I know there’s more to nothing that’s bothering you. Come on, rule number… three?”

I sigh. “I hate these rules sometimes.”

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