Page 79 of No More Heartache

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“I know it’s about 33 weeks until our baby will be the size of a pineapple, but since for the past 20, you’ve been non-stop eating pineapples, to where your skin smells like it – I thought this was fitting!” He smiles proudly.

“You’re the best! This is a perfect gift for her.” I smile as I jump into his arms.

“Tate? I… I love you.” He whispers against my neck.

I freeze; all my thoughts have gone silent. It’s almost like someone turned off all the lights on Christmas Eve. You may be able to hear crickets in the distance, because time has totally stood still. My slacked jaw forms into the biggest smile that I will ever have on my face, it’s almost like the play button has been pushed, but it’s starting in slow-motion. Sounds are coming back to me, I can hear my heart beat and I can taste again.

“I love you too. Max, I love you so much!” I hold him tighter, while still holding onto the pineapple pillow. Crushing our mouths together, I grab onto him and start walking backwards toward the doorway. I hit the doorframe, however we don’t make any break in the kiss, thankfully Max takes over the steering part and soon my knees hit the bed in our room and he is softly lowering me. We break and take that moment to discard our clothes.

I scoot up onto the bed and he comes between my legs, he’s stroking himself as he comes closer and my tongue lashes out to my lips to wet them as I watch his hand. His eyes zero in on that movement and he pounces like a tiger with a growl in his throat.

His hand is suddenly between my legs and I’m whimpering with need. His finger breaches my entrance and lingers slightly over my folds. I can feel the ghost touch and I can’t take it anymore as I push my hips up and his fingers sink deep into me.

Max moans at the same time as I gasp.

“I want in.” He whispers as he lines himself up and slowly pushes in. “Fuck, you’re so tight. So wet. Fuck Tate, this feels so incredible, I don’t know if I can last.” He pants against my neck as he pushes himself in and out slowly. He continues to talk as he languidly moves, yet his words are gibberish as well as the fact that I’m busy feeling all the feels with my body.

He loves me.

* * *

The past twomonths have gone by incredibly fast. We found out that we’re having a girl, and so the baby’s bedroom has become a Mecca of everything pretty. There are flowers, tiaras and teddy bears all over the place. Max wouldn’t settle on a theme other than girl, so I’ve just went with the flow.

Max has been an amazing partner. I would have never thought that the guy I had a reckless drunken hook up with one night would become my baby daddy, let alone live with him and be in a relationship with him. Granted, we moved quickly in our relationship, it didn’t feel like we rushed at anything. We were still getting to know another, he was still dealing with his sobriety and he has been completely devoted to me and the peanut.

I have roughly 10 more weeks to go, give or take. I was told by my OB that for my first child, could be a late arrival, which I immediately groaned. So far, I’ve had no complications with the pregnancy, other than feeling like the size of the house, everything has been smooth sailing. But I’m ready for this girl to vacate my body lodging and get her own.

“Are you even listening to me?” Sammie asks breaking me out of the space out that I was just in. That’s happening a lot more these days, I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy but I will find myself completely zoned out at the most random of times. It’s embarrassing when it happens during class.

“Yeah, um I’m just… sorry no I wasn’t.” I admit biting my cheek.

“It’s okay, I’m sure you’ve got a thousand things going on in that pretty little head of yours.” She teases.

“Oh shut up.”

“I mean seriously, you probably do. Like how the heck you’ll baby proof this bachelor pad, or how you will get the little one into your scary box of a car, or daycare.” Sammie rushed out.

“Wait, what?” Why hadn’t I thought of any of those things? Has Max?

“By that terrified look on your face, I would say no to all of the above.” Sammie sits back.

“Well, this place doesn’t really need baby proofing until he is of crawling age, so we have time for that.” I smile, after thinking about that subject for a moment.

“And your car? Or daycare?” Sammie asks. “Please tell me these are subjects that you and Captain hotty-pants discuss?”

“Captain hotty-pants?” I ask.

“He’s hot, so it’s only rightfully that he’s a captain and have you seen his ass?” Sammie fans herself in exaggeration.

“Well, I may have once or twice.” I smile feeling flushed suddenly.

“Yeah, yeah. You’re playing house with the captain of hot pants, I get it. So?”

“We haven’t talked about those things yet. Crap, I knew everything was too good to be true,” I smack my forehead lightly with my palm as I hear the door opening.

Max appears a moment later, with his tie loosened and the top button undone. His jacket is draped over his arm as he sets his satchel down and empties his pockets on the counter.

“The Captain is home,” Sammie loudly declares earning Max a chuckle combined with a questioning look.

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