Page 75 of No More Heartache

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I wouldn’t saythat Tatum and I are fighting, I would just say that… hell I have no idea. The thought of giving her space bothered me, because we needed to work together and not apart. When she asked about Nikki and mine’s past there was no chance in hell that I would lie to her, especially when rule number 3 was to be honest. And if I wanted to be honest right now, I don’t want to be away from her and give her this space. I was told though, not to fuck with a pregnant woman when it came to certain things and I’m thinking right now, I don’t want to rock the boat.

I’m riding my Harley down a residential street when I realize I’m in front of Leo’s house. I push the kickstand down and I jog up their driveway. Leo is generally tinkering in the garage at night, so I tap lightly on the door. I hear his footsteps inside and he opens the door, illuminating the walkway.

“Hey man, everything cool?” He asks.

“Yeah, Tatum needed some space, can I hang out here for an hour? I don’t want to invade you or anything, just rather not drive aimlessly.”

“No need to ask, mi casa es su casa. How about we go into the main house, Judy made cookies.”

Cookies have my ears perked up. I follow Leo into the house and the kitchen counters are full of Tupperware’s full of cookies.

“Hey Max, how are ya?” She smiles as we enter.

“I’m in heaven now.” I say spreading my arms at the spectacle before me.

“Oh, work stuff, we’re having a company picnic this weekend, so I’m making… cookies as you can see.” She wipes her hands on her apron. “What brings you here? Tatum with you?”

“No, errr… she wanted some space.” I say looking down, feeling ashamed and like I’m 17 again.

Leo is rummaging in the fridge and within a minute I have a glass of milk shoved in one hand and a plate of cookies in the other.

“Oh Max. Have a seat. What happened?” Judy asks.

She’s the same age as I am, and she’s extremely motherly. She looks like she would belong in a 1950’s family sitcom. Her clothing is very mod and her shoulder length blonde hair is always curled and pinned perfectly. Leo, is the opposite, if we were thinking television, he would be the greaser. He works on cars, owns his own mechanic shop, so he’s always got his hands dirty. The two of them work well though, and even though we’re all similar in age, they feel older and wiser to me for some odd reason.

“Nothing bad. Tate just needed some alone time. She asked about a friend of mine who at one time was more than a friend, but not a girlfriend.” I make sure to clarify the no-relationship part of that. “And I didn’t lie to her. I wouldn’t lie to her.”

“Has she met this friend of yours?” Judy asks.

“Yeah, once.”

“And before tonight, did you mention who your friend was prior?”

“No, it’s never come up. We don’t really talk about that too much. She knows of my past, I’ve been candid in all areas.”

“Does she know all about Betsy?” Leo chimes in.

“Yes, that was something I made sure to tell her. I didn’t want her to freak out, if I was to have a freak out. This thing right now, stemmed from me practically asking her if we’ve dropped our friends to become a couple.”

“Have you?” Leo asks.

“Not really. But Nikki said something that irked me.”

“Could Nikki want more than friendship?” Judy asks.

“No, she knows about Tatum and the baby.”

“That’s not what I asked. Has Nikki implied that you guys could be more than friends, since you and her became strictly friends, or have you hung out with Nikki as friends since?”

I think about it.

“She did make a weird comment about sharing or something. So maybe. But since I told her about Tatum and the baby, then when they met – she knew that we couldn’t continue to hook up. Did I fuck up somewhere that I’m not seeing?”

“I think Nikki is testing the waters, testing you. I don’t know.” Leo states.

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