Page 32 of No More Heartache

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“Just chill. A chick you were most likely going to blow off anyways blew you off first. Please don’t make it weird, these are my work colleagues and my friends.” He looks me in the eye and I back off. He turns his heel and walks to the car at the curb.

In the passenger seat is a beautiful brunette, I see the back of her head as she’s turned towards Sammie, she then slowly turns to look back at the house and I’m standing in the doorway. My breath hitches, likely at the same time I can tell hers does and she quickly looks away. The car starts and speeds off.

I shut the door and go to the living room and sit on the couch. I’m facing the television but I haven’t turned it on yet. The week I stayed in the Bayfront hotel, I was extremely drunk and I didn’t leave the premises. I would meet a chick in the bar or pool and she would be coming up to my room by the end of the night. And while the details are fuzzy, I am remembering the onslaught of the first images that came to my mind as Sammie entered my house.

I invited myself to their table, I purposely showed interest in the birthday girl to make a better impression on the leggy brunette with the almost black hair. I bought rounds upon rounds of shots for the girls and eventually made my way back to my room with the leggy brunette. Then in the morning, I didn’t need to make up some lame excuse to get rid of her, because while I took a shower, she left me. Which was disappointing since I wanted another go, but she had made up my mind for me.

So why am I sitting here analyzing what I can remember of my entire evening with her and why am I so bent out of shape about this?Maybe my brother is right.

I pulled out my phone and my finger hovered over the Call button with Nikki’s contact information. I eventually hit the button and within 30 minutes, she was knocking on my door.

I answer the door and put a smile to my face for her. This would be the first time that I’m actually seeing her when I don’t have a drink in my system. She’s a pretty girl, definitely not my type, but she’s a hellcat in bed. Her don’t give a fuck attitude and straight honesty drew me to her along with her edgy sweetness. I’m attracted to her, as evident from the stretching happening in my pants, but as harsh as it sounds, she just isn’t my type in the longevity of things.

“Hey stranger. I haven’t see you in a while.” She purrs as she enters the house and leans up on her tippy-toes to kiss me.

Our lips mesh together and I kiss her back, our lips fused together but not opening.

“I’ve been, busy.” I say as I release her.

“Mmmm. Figured you got yourself a girlfriend.” She smiles as she sits herself down on the couch. “Your brother out?”

“Yeah, he’s got a work thing.” I sit next to her. I’m unsure how all this starts, do I make the move? Why am I acting like a pussy? This is different sober.

“Are you okay? You don’t seem like yourself.” She’s looking at me concerned.

“No, I’m fine. It’s just been a while, and I haven’t seen ya.” I say awkwardly getting up and moving to the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink? Unfortunately, I only have milk, juice, soda and water. Oh and I can make strawberry milkshakes.”

She gets up and stands across the counter. “I’ll take a milkshake, I haven’t had one in years.” She smiles.

I eagerly get out all the ingredients, which I’ve made a point to constantly keep in the house. I avoid eye contact and any conversation. I’m not needing a drink, but I can feel something tugging at me.

“So Maximus, what have you been doing for the past few months? Your friend, the sexy married one came into the bar one night and asked if I had seen you. You go MIA or something?”

“Or something. I had a stay-cation, they found me…. Holy shit, that’s how they found me!” I had meant that last part as an internal thought over saying it out loud but I couldn’t stop myself. Davis and Dane found out where I was from Davis’s colleagues, they must have been discussing me meeting them.

Nikki looked confused, but knew not to ask any questions, so I continued after taking a deep breath.

“My brother and Dane came to my hotel and then I went… I went into rehab.” I say putting the lid on the blender and turning it on. I refrained from looking at Nikki until I turned off the blender. She had a smile, but she didn’t say anything further at that moment.

I placed a shake in front of her and started to drink mine.

“So the reason you don’t have anything other than non-alcoholic beverages, is because you are sober?” It would seem like she’s being cautious over how she chooses her words.

I nod and I take another sip of my drink.

“So you calling me tonight, was because you simply enjoy my company and not because you’re fucked up?” She asks.

“Well, I’m fucked up, but yes I do enjoy your company as well.” I smile.

* * *

It’sseveral hours later and I am dick deep into Nikki for the 3rd time tonight. She’s pulling at me and gasping for air as my hips pump into her over and over again. I’m trying hard to get to the point where I can come, but sober sex seems harder. This is hilarious because it should be the other way around. I pull out, grab her hips and turn her around. My hand aligns my dick up with her entrance and I push in, she gasps and after three pumps I can feel the tingling sensation at the base of my spine. I start to pump faster as I reach around to rub at her clit, but her hand is already there.

She’s moaning louder as I thrust faster and harder into her, two more thrusts and I am straining as I release into the condom inside her.

“Fuck,” I groan as I lean my head down on her back. She’s braced on my bed and is still catching her breath.

“I thought you weren’t going to be able to. Holy crap, I feel faint.” She breaths out as I remove myself carefully from her. She turns around and sits on the edge of the bed.

I hand her a damp washcloth to clean up and sit next to her.

“I haven’t had sober sex in over a year.” I admit.

She doesn’t have to say anything, I know she knows what I’m talking about. Nikki is the only one of any of the girls that I’ve messed with that does, that’s why I called her. I didn’t have to hide any random thoughts and she wasn’t one to ask questions.

“You staying over?” I ask.

“Nah, I should get home. I have a day date tomorrow, I would rather not be doing the walk of shame in the morning with a date a few hours later, what kind of lady would I be?” She mocks.

“Only the classiest of ladies.” I smile. I like the banter that we have, it’s too bad she isn’t my type of girl.

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