Page 29 of No More Heartache

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While my brotherwas in rehab, the house was quiet. Katrina stayed over on a few occasions, I spent a lot of nights surrounded by planning syllabuses and lesson planning for the start of the school year and planning a spaced out theme for my classroom. I even hosted a BBQ in which I invited not only my friends from work, but Dane, Sterling and Lukas as well. With Max being gone, the three of us had gotten closer and I no longer just saw them as my brother’s friends. They never treated me like the little brother, always as a separate person from Max and I figured it was time to make more friends.

Max came home a month after I dropped him off at the rehab facility on the cliffs. He looked different, much more clear headed and his eyes weren’t as lifeless. He’s been home a week now, and whenever I see him, he’s come home with a milkshake or made one in the kitchen, which I find comforting. He’s attended a few meetings with a friend he met while in rehab and even found himself a sponsor. He hasn’t searched the cupboards for any booze, hasn’t brought home scores upon scores of women, he hasn’t disappeared at night or looked hung-over in the mornings. In fact, we now saw each other every morning before we went off to work.

I’m standing in the kitchen flipping a pancake when Max shuffles into the kitchen. His hair is standing up in all directions and he’s got pillow creases on the side of his face. He grunts as he brushes past me and reaches into the fridge to pull out the orange juice.

“Why are you always so chipper in the morning?” He mumbles, his eyes only half open as he looks at me.

“Morning person.” I smile, plating the pancake. “Breakfast?” I offer him, since I have some more batter.

“Sure.” He grunts as he leans back on the counter drinking from the carton.

“I’m chaperoning a school dance tonight. I need your help to look cool” I hope that I don’t sound like a dork.

“Isn’t it still summertime? Why is there a dance, if school hasn’t started yet?”

“It’s a thing this school does for the student’s entering into 5th grade. Apparently it’s a huge jump from 4th to 5th; it’s the oldest class of the school, so I think the administrators like to welcome the kids into it, or something. I don’t know. I signed up, are you going to help me or what?”

“I feel like this is high school. You want me to pick out your outfit for the dance?” He smiles looking more awake.

I do sound like a dork. I’m asking my big brother to dress me. So instead of commenting, I shrug.

He smiles again and then nods his head. “Sure buddy. Is Kit-Kat going with you?” He’s taken to giving everyone nicknames recently. Katrina doesn’t know yet, that’s what he calls her.

“Nope. She’s busy, plus really, who wants to go to a 5th grade dance when you’re an adult.”

“You do.” He jokes.

“Hey, it’s my teacherly duty to do these things, plus I was forced to do it by Tatum and Sammie.”


I had forgotten that my brother doesn’t know that I am aware of his hook up with Tatum. Hopefully, he doesn’t recognize the name.

Max looks off into the distance with a contemplative look on his face.

Max shakes his head and turns his attention back to me.

“Whatever you say little brother.” He grins. “Do you need the clothes now or after school?”

“I can wear something from my closet; I just need your guidance with what, but later this afternoon. I have to be at the school tonight at 7.” I am embarrassed that he’s helping me out like this, but also grateful that he is here to help me out. This is a moment that we wouldn’t be sharing if he didn’t go to rehab.

“Sure, no big thing. I have an early day anyways and my Friday nights seem to be wide open lately.” He jokes.

I try to not flinch at his comment, and hope he sees no change in my demeanor, his Friday nights are open because he doesn’t go out to the bars anymore, he’s been staying home a lot since he’s been out of rehab. He did mention plans with some guy he met while in rehab, which I hope is a good thing.

* * *

My phone ringsand while I typically don’t answer my phone while at the gym, I do since I notice it’s Sammie who is calling.

“You’re still coming tonight, right?” She asks me.

“Yup, it wouldn’t be right to back out last minute.”

“Do you want to caravan together?”

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