Page 18 of No More Heartache

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“I’m not the one who has to go to school tomorrow.” She teases and sticks out her tongue.

“Nu-uh. Tomorrow is Friday, you have class too.” I smile proudly.

“Shit,” she pouts. My friends start laughing again.

“Yeah, we all should go home too. We have school too.” Tatum laughs.

We all depart the bowling alley together and go our separate ways once we reach the parking lot.

With Katrina snuggled close to my side, we walk to the car. I stop at her side of the door and give her a soft kiss before opening her car door for her.

“I like your friends, they’re nice.” She smiles and she leans her head against the window and closes her eyes.

* * *

It’sSaturday evening and I’m sitting on the couch with a beer and Chinese take-out on the coffee table. I’m relaxed and watching some kung-fu movie with sub-titles when I hear the front door open quickly and then slam immediately. I startle at the sudden noises, but no one has walked into the living space. I get off the couch and inch my way to the front door. The doorknob is turning from side to side and then the front door flies open again, this time Max’s hand shoots out and he stops the door from immediately closing again. He throws his body into the house; he’s currently all legs and arms. He hasn’t said a word yet, or noticed me watching his performance. Thankfully, he’s alone.

He finally notices that I’m standing there watching him as he’s reached out and grabbed my foot. Which he is now using to pull himself up. Once he get’s back on his own two feet, he looks at me.

“Hello Brother.” He slurs. His breath reeks of alcohol, and it looks like he hasn’t showered in a few days.

“Hey Brother. You doing alright?” I ask, holding him up right as he keeps swaying backwards or to the right.

“I’m peachy. Thirsty though.” He lunges towards the kitchen and by using the wall and the counters makes his way to the cupboard with the alcohol in it. He screws off the top of the bottle of vodka and brings the bottle to his lips and takes a long slug.

He stumbles back as he sets the bottle down but manages to right himself.

“Buddy, let’s get some coffee and bread into you.”

“You aren’t my mother. You’re… you’re my brother.” He points the bottle at me.

“Yup. How about we hang out and watch a movie?” I suggest walking slowly into the kitchen.

“Fuck a movie. I’m thirsty. Where’s my phone?” Max starts to search his pockets.

“Who do you need to call, let me help?” I offer slowly sliding the vodka bottle out of his line of sight and putting it behind my back towards the sink. I move to slyly pour the bottle down the drain, but Max stops fidgeting in his pocket long enough to notice the bottle missing.

“What the–” He’s looking around. He looks in the alcohol cupboard again, and just pulls out another bottle. I can’t see what it is as I’m currently managing to dump the bottle behind my back down the drain. When finished, I place the bottle on the counter by the wall and move to get a glass and put some water in it. I pull down the loaf of bread atop the fridge and place two pieces on a paper towel in front of Max.

I have no idea if he’s eaten, but I will try anything at this point.

“I need to call Betsy. She’ll come over.” Max mumbles again fumbling in his jacket pocket for his phone.

Fuck! He’s in a bad place.

I need to get a hold of Sterling or Dane quickly, before this heads any further south. My phone is sitting on the couch, so as Max is chugging whichever booze he can get his hand on, I run into the living room.

I dial for Dane. “Hey, um. It’s about Max...” I start.

“Is he alright?” Dane asks in rush.

“I don’t know how much he’s had to drink, he just got home like 10 minutes ago and now he’s talking about calling Betsy and something about how she will come over. Do you think you can, I dunno, come over?” I honestly don’t know what else to do at this moment.

“I’m on my way. Try to not let him leave.” Dane hangs up and I walk back into the kitchen.

Max is slumped over the counter with his head resting on his extended arm.

I pull up one of his barstools from the corner wall and make him sit on it. He lifts his head, his eyes are bloodshot and his skin is slightly pale, he has a few extra days of stubble on his normally manicured scruff.

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