Page 17 of No More Heartache

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The night Maxgot into a car accident, he seemed like he was thinking clearly. We went to dinner, he told me about the accident and how he met the nurse who treated him at the hospital and we joked like there wasn’t an underlying issue coming to breach our lives. Max took keen interest in my new job and asked a lot of questions, both about me and my students. He expressed sincerity with all subjects that we spoke about, it was almost like he was someone else. The Max that I knew when Betsy was alive.

I didn’t think it was strange that when we got home, we both went into our separate rooms. I didn’t hear him leave at all that evening, nor was he around when I was getting ready to leave for work the next morning. The rental car that he got stills at in our driveway and his bedroom door was shut. I scribbled a note and left it on the counter, that I wouldn’t be home this evening and would be staying with Katrina and I took off for work.

The day went well, I sat at the lunch table with Sammie, Nic and Tatum. The four of us got along well enough, even though we all had different types of classes. Tatum was always the first to arrive and the first to leave since her lunch started earlier and ended earlier than the upper grades. We make an interesting group, one you can easily see in a cartoon.

Sammie with her pasty white freckled skin and vibrant curly red hair, Nic with his hipster-lumberjack style, I’m sure girls find him attractive with his dark brown short hair, and his dimples. Tatum with her long brown-nearly black hair, her olive skin and deep brown eyes and then there’s me, extremely attractive and everything a female could ever ask for, my muscular frame with shaggy dark blond hair and light blue eyes. We’re an odd bunch, and we also seem to be the youngest of the teachers at Fairbanks Elementary.

“Time’s up. I’ll see you guys later.” Tatum says standing.

“Bowling tonight?” Nic asked.

“Possibly.” She smiles as she walks away.

“Yeah Davis, you should come bowling with us tonight. Possibly bring that girlfriend of yours if you feel like introducing her to your friends.” Sammie teases.

“I don’t know if I’m willing to share yet.” I tease her back.

“Us or her?” Nic asks with his mouth full of his sandwich.

“Good question. I’ll ask her.” I say pulling out my phone and sending Katrina a quick text. I pocket my phone and commence with lunch. A moment later, my phone vibrates in my pocket.

“We’re in.” I smile as my table companions cheer in silence by fist pumping the air like teenagers.

* * *

Katrinaand I are pulling into a parking space in front of the bowling alley that Sammie mentioned meeting at.

“You sure that it’s okay that I’m barging in on your work outing?” She asks as she steps out of her side of the car.

“They’ve been bugging me to make introductions somehow. Don’t worry, they’ll love you.” I say assuring her and kissing the top of her head as I pull her into my side.

She sighs and falls into step with me as we walk inside. We spot my three friends and I wave. We get our bowling shoes and I add two extra games to our lane.

“Katrina, these are my work colleagues. Work colleagues, this is my girlfriend Katrina.” I smile.

“Hi, I’m Sammie, this here is Nicolas and this saucy minx is Tatum.” Everyone does their quick wave as the introductions were given and we start the game.

After three games, everyone has fallen into step with another and we’re all talking freely.

“Davis buddy, you never told us that Katrina was a bowling shark.” Nic laughed. Katrina has aided our team to win each game, she is a natural.

“We’ve been together for four years and I didn’t even know it.” I shake my head.

Katrina is giggling with her head on Tatum’s shoulder.

“We may have to join a bowling league and start placing bets.” Sammie jokes.

“I swear, this is all just beginners luck. I haven’t bowled since I was a kid.” She lifts her head from Tatum’s shoulder.

I look at my watch, it’s nearing 10 p.m.. “Kat, what time do you have to be at the paper in the morning?” I ask.

She thinks for a moment. “Not until 7, I need to work on my revisions and then submit to copy.”

“Guys, it looks like I need to get this ball buster home. It might be nearing past her bedtime.”

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