Page 14 of No More Heartache

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“I felt like a complete douche.”I say into my hands as they rub across my face.

“Well, you do have your douchey moments.” Sterling laughs throwing her French fry at me.

“I concur. You’re much more douchey now than when we were in school.” Dane jokes.

In college, I acted no different than I currently have been, maybe less drunk. Back then, I owned up to my behavior as being young, dumb and looking for fun, now I don’t act ashamed, but as a 29-year-old I should be handling my problems better or at least paying attention and being a good brother and friend.

I throw my napkin at Sterling and smirk. “You guys both suck. Lunch is not meant for such serious conversation.”

“No shit, that’s why I used the word: douchey, it’s not a real word as well as quite juvenile.” Sterling sits straight proud of herself.

My friends are quite great. While I may be douchey they still accept me and all my faults.

“I’ve got to get going. I promised that I would stay straight and hang out with Davis. He’s been really busy with his new job.” I grab an extra napkin and wipe my face and start to stand.

“How’s he liking it?” Dane asks me.

“From what I can tell, he enjoys it. He’s getting in the swing of things. Remembering what it’s like to have homework again, since he gets to grade stuff now.” I laugh. “I was a dick and forgot that he told me he got a job, so I’m trying to make it up to him and be a good big brother. If he didn’t have Katrina, I’d get him a stripper-gram.”

“Ew, please no.” Sterling grimaces.

“What? I know a few strippers who would be good at it.” I joke. “I’ll see you guys.” I say throwing a twenty on the table.

I jump in my car and exit out of the parking lot. I ease onto the city streets and adjust my satellite stereo to my favorite 90’s alternative station, which as ridiculous as it sounds, is now considered as Classic Rock. I shake my head at the thought and laugh.


I’m merging onto the freeway when all of a sudden my car jolts and all I can hear is crunching and the blood pumping in my ears with an accelerated heartbeat. I grip the wheel and turn into the movement, but my car is still moving forward and to the right. My foot is slamming down on the brake, but the motion isn’t making anything happen. I’m afraid that my foot is going to go through the bottom of the car. Soon enough, the passenger side of my car hits the cement wall and my car skids forward just a little bit and then stops. I still can’t hear much of anything other than my heartbeat and I keep blinking my eyes, but it’s almost like a Vaseline film is over my eyes. My knuckles are so white from gripping the steering wheel, but I don’t think I can move them just yet. I squeeze my eyes shut and I’m stuck back in Betsy’s car along the I-15 towards Rancho Bernardo. I see broken glass everywhere and the windshield is missing a large space, there’s so much blood, and I can’t move. My breathing quickens and I’m starting to shake then there’s a persistent knocking next to my ear and I hear some faint voices. I open my eyes back up, the windshield is still intact, there is no broken glass, and I don’t see any visible blood.

Someone is next to me, and I roll down my window.

“Oh thank god. Sir, are you okay?” A female officer asks me.

I can’t find my voice. I gently remove my hands from the steering wheel and move to unclasp my seat belt.

“Sir, an ambulance is on the way along with a tow truck. I repeat, are you okay?”

“Betsy?” I whisper feeling light headed.


“Betsy.” I say before my vision goes completely white.

* * *

“He has some trauma,but I do not see any need to hold him over night. His previous injuries are completely healed and I see no reason for concern with re-injury.” A female voice says clicking her pen.

“The officer who I spoke to mentioned there was another driver, are they okay? He’ll want to know that they are okay.” That sounded like Sterling.

“The other driver wasn’t even brought in, she was checked at the scene and then released. Max, here was brought in due to losing consciousness.” The other female said. She shouldn’t be giving out details of the other driver. “Max may have some whip-lash, but other than that, he’s perfectly healthy.”

I hear Sterling sigh, and I crack open my eyes. Dane is sitting in the chair next to the bed and Sterling is standing at the foot of the bed. Her hand on Dane’s shoulders.

“Hey guys.” I manage and they both turn to me, Dane jumping up from his seat and Sterling rushing to my side.

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