Page 10 of No More Heartache

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“Already had one. She freaked out because my brother walked in on us, and took off. It was still early…” I let that thought trail off.

She nods since she understands. While we may be fuck buddies, I have opened up to her a little bit on why I drink as much and fuck as much as I do. We could pass as friends, since she knows more about me than any of the other randoms, and sometimes more than my friends or family.

“Ah ha. Well, my dearest Max, perhaps another night. It would seem that my date is searching for me. Wish me luck.” She jumps off her barstool, gives me a kiss on the cheek and practically skips away.

I shake my head. Looks like I’m not getting laid again tonight.

I turn around to see Nikki greet her date and smile. I remember first dates, the happiness, the eagerness to see that person, the excitement. I had that, and then I lost it. I start to frown as I turn around and drag another sip of my scotch.

I’m getting ready to leave, but first I drag myself to the restroom. On the way out, I’m running my hand through my hair and look up to nearly run into a woman who is walking backward and laughing at whichever one of her friends is distracting her.

My hands reach out to her upper arms to stop her from completely colliding. I won’t lie, a part of me is also swaying due to the amount of alcohol that I’ve drank tonight.

“Whoa there.” I murmur.

Her shocked gasp immediately sends jolts to my dick as I imagine her gasping bent over the bathroom counter. I lick my lips as I look at her face. She looks like your typical girl next door minus the pigtails and freckles. She’s wearing little make-up and isn’t dressed like a total tramp, so she has that going for her. With brown hair and highlights, she’s attractive and looks sweet. Too sweet for me, probably.

“Sorry.” She says as her eyes connect with mine for a slight moment and she’s hurried off the next in refuge of the woman’s restroom.

I smile and walk back to my barstool and sit down. I signal for one more drink and notate the time, it is nearing last call. I keep my peripheral open to the bathroom hallway so I can see Ms. Girl next door come out and find out where she’s sitting. If she’s got guys sitting with her, I can’t make a move, if I intend to make one.

She came out of the hallway and looked around. Her eyes were scanning the entire bar. Did her friends ditch her? She lands on a booth against the wall. I look in that direction and take notice of 3 females and one very metro-sexual male. The male is sitting beside one of the other females, so I need not to worry that she’s with him. I nonchalantly look back at her and she begins walking toward the table slowly. She’s scanning the bar again, and then our eyes meet. Her lips have parted again, and logically I’m envisioning my dick between them. Her cheeks blush and she immediately darts her eyes back to her friends. She stops in front of their table and says something to the group. One of her friends angles her head around the girl’s body and looks in my direction.

I raise my glass and smile in her direction as she quickly hides behind her standing friend. I turn back around. Score. I may in fact get laid again tonight. I smile and take a sip. Relishing in the taste and swirling the liquid in my tumbler. I feel a tap on my shoulder and slowly turn my head.

It’s Game on!

* * *

I’m leaningagainst the brick wall behind the bar with my hand on the back of Kailey’s head, pressing her to me.

Kailey chatted me up at the bar for 10 minutes before suggesting we remove ourselves. I offered her to join me at home, but she refused. She said she didn’t want to go to her house because her roommates wouldn’t think highly of her bringing home a guy she just met at a bar. I was right about her being the girl next door, yet a little naughty – or at least I can only hope. So here we are, she’s licking her way around my neck and she’s unbuttoned the first two buttons on my shirt. I have my other hand under her shirt working its way up to her tits.

She gasps as my fingertips have brushed her nipple send electric shocks to my dick and I’m ready to go.

I lower the hand that was gripping the back of her head and move it down her hip to the top of the swell of her ass and I push her into me, into feeling the appreciation that my dick has for her sucking and gasping on my neck.

“Kailey.” I whisper.

She doesn’t say anything, but she squirms against me. My hand that was brushing against her nipple is now making its way to her waistline. But she stops me from entering.

“I would rather…” She whispers as she lowers herself to her knees, undoes my pants, and anxiously releasing my straining dick and grabs my hips.

Holy fuck! A BJ, in the alley? Am I that sick, should I degrade this chick like that? I’m struggling with myself, I’m a bastard, but am I that kind of bastard?

I don’t think any further on this thought as warmth envelopes my dick, her tongue runs the length of my dick, caressing under the head, then adding some slight suction as she takes me completely in her mouth and then she picks up her movement with both her tongue and her hand. My head falls back against the brick and I enjoy.

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