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It bothered me hearing that Madison was pre-judging me and didn’t even think about getting to know me until we were thrown together by our friends. I understand about her feelings and how drinking has affected her life, but what I’m not understanding is how she could judge others without getting to know them first.

I sincerely like her and want to move past this, but part of me wants to look past her original generalization and show her the actual person that I am.

Which is what I will do.

I lean forward on the table, “I knew of you around town, but I’m a little shy and rarely allow myself to branch out of my comfort zone,” I tell her. “But I want to continue to get to know you, if you would like to do the same?”

She looks at me for a moment, with a slow smile coming to her lips and a nod.

I sit back in the booth just as our food is brought to us and we eat in silence with glances up and one another in observation.

We sit in the booth for hours. We talk about our lives up until the moment we’re sitting here. I tell her embarrassing stories about me in high school and she tells me about her first days of waitressing when she would spill on customers. We lose track of time, until I can smell burgers and my stomach begins to growl.

I look out the window, one of the only windows in the front of the bar and note that it’s dark outside.

I lean forward, indicating that I have something to say to her, as she does the same.

“I’m surprised that we haven’t gotten kicked out of here yet, we’ve been holding this booth ransom for hours.”

She looks around and her eyes widen.

“How long have we been here?” she asks.

“I don’t know, but it’s dark out and we should probably get some dinner,” I offer.

“Crap, I didn’t realize that we would be here so late, I promised my neighbor that I would babysit for her tonight, can I take a raincheck?” she asks looking at the time on her phone.

Slightly disappointed, but understanding commitments, I nod and give her a grin.

“I’ll take a raincheck,” I say to her. “Can I walk you home?”

That means that she wants to see me again.

“I would love that,” she says getting out of the booth. I throw a couple of twenties on the table and begin to follow her. She walks in front of me and I admire the view as we exit.

She holds out her hand to me as soon as we’re outside, I reach for her hand and we begin walking in the direction of her place.

“I really am enjoying getting to know you,” she says looking at me with a warm smile.

“Me too,” I agree.

“I’m sorry that I let my own thoughts get in the way before, we could have known one another this whole time.”

“You know what, maybe it just wasn’t our time,” I reply.

“What do you mean?” she asks turning to glance at me while we waited at the only crosswalk in town and for a few cars to roll by.

“Well, if we would have gotten to know one another before, maybe you wouldn’t have been as open minded about getting to know me. Maybe now, is when we were supposed to meet.”

“Are you a guru? Astronomist? Or a hippy?” she asks with laughter behind her tone.

“No, I’m just a computer geek. I read a lot and pay attention to things that have a place and time.”

“Well, I guess then now is our time,” she says while squeezing my hand.

We cross the street and then the next to the residential area of town. When we stop in front of her place, she turns to me, looks up at me and smiles.

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