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With a nasty hangover, I work on the last bits of programming in one of the software’s that I’ve been commissioned for from a huge client of mine, a company that I’ve done quite a bit of work for.

I’m running the last bit of tests to look for additional bugs, so I figure now is a good time to finally shower and grab something to eat.

I pull up my phone contacts and press for Madison. I haven’t spoken to her yet today, so I’m curious as to what she’s been up to.

There’s no answer, so I send her a quick text message instead.

Me: Hey, how are you on this fine day? It’s already the afternoon, and I haven’t heard your lovely voice yet?

I wait to see if my text has been read or for that bouncing bubble, instead, there is no response. I put down the phone and head into the bathroom. Once I shower, I return to the kitchen and pick up my phone. Still nothing from her.

I make myself a sandwich and settle back down in front of my desk as the computer runs through a few more pass throughs.

Upon the results returning completely polished, I send a message to my client and wait for them to return the call.

After an exceptionally longand shitastic day, I decide to head over to the bar and drink my sorrows away. Today has been a blow to the gut, something that I haven’t dealt with in an incredibly long time and I just want to forget that it never happened.

One of my biggest client’s businesses tanked today.

Apparently, the business has been on the verge of bankruptcy for the past year and I had no clue during any of my dealings with them that this was even possible. I have developed three programs of which they used, and I was still waiting to get paid for the last two which was completed within this last quarter.

When I reached out to their accounts receivable department today, I received constant ringing. When I tried two cell phones with the partners, one sent me directly to voicemail and the other answered with apprehension.

“I’m sorry, Lew. This was something that we were trying to prevent, but ultimately, it was a looming shadow on us. We have no money in any of our accounts and I’m so sorry,” the partner that I signed my contracts with said.

“So, you knew that it was going to happen, and you still contracted out for new software? I’m not understanding here,” I say with my hands running through my hair in frustration.

“We might have something else happening in the next few years, and I wanted to get a leg up, that’s all.” he explained as if it was nothing.

“I’m still expecting payment, you understand that, right?”

“Can I just pay you piece by piece? I don’t have all the money right now, but I have a little bit to get by, it just would be a solid piece by piece payment, will that work?”

I slam the empty beer bottle on the bar top and signal for another. Miles approaches and leans on his arm.

“I haven’t seen you drink this bad since you made me take shots with you that one night,” he observes.

“I know, but today is mighty shitty,” I say pulling a long drag from the bottle.

“Need another shot to numb you,” Miles asks.

“How about you just line them up and I’ll say when?” I close one eye, point at him over the lip of the bottle.

Miles shakes his head, grabs a bottle of something amber colored and lines up a row of shots in front of me. He looks at me one time with a quirk of the eyebrow, “Are you sure about this, my friend?”

When I nod, he begins to pour.

Once he’s finished, I grab the first shot and lean my head back to shoot it.

One down, nine to go.

My fingers are gripping the last shot, when the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I slowly turn my barstool and come face to face with Madison.

And while Madison is generally smiling and looking happy to see me, right now, she looks disgusted with a hint of worry? Or is that anger?

She’s a little bit blurry and I can’t really tell right now.

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