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Chapter Three

My room has toomany people in it.

Miles and Noah are two large guys, and neither of them really need to be here.

Noah was right; my mom was too drunk to come with them.

So drunk that she couldn’t even get off the floor to come to the door.

Noah had to break the door in because he thought she too needed medical assistance.

Instead, she needed to sleep it off.

Dr. McHottie hasn’t been back in from the trauma that he had to tend to, thankfully, as both Miles and Noah are over-reacting to everything.

One of the nurses came in to check on me after giving me whatever cocktail that the doctor ordered and fawned all over Noah, making obvious swoony eyes towards him, but he just smiled and played it off as simple conversation.

Miles elbows Noah and shakes his head as the nurse leaves the room. He flings his thumb to Noah while looking at me. “This guy.”

“What?” Noah asks.

“Have you been that long out of the game? She’s clearly into you,” Miles explains.

“And I’m clearly into Valerie,” Noah returns.

“Clearly,” I say, joining in.

The nurse returns a moment later, this time with Doctor McHottie.

“Oh, I see you have visitors now,” he says, walking in. He sets his clipboard down on the counter then turns back to Miles and Noah. “Dr. Mattias,” he greets them.

“Noah, and this is Miles. I’m her boss. She was on the floor of my storeroom when Miles walked in and found her.”

“Well, there’s no liability issues here, so I would say that you’re safe,” the doctor says.

“Oh, we’re here for Rhi. She’s family. We’re here because she’s our friend, not because of the bar,” Noah replies immediately.

Dr. McHottie nods his head and then turns to me. “Well, how are you feeling?”

“Sleepy,” I return with a lazy smile.

“Any pain?” he asks.

“Not sure. I feel stiff. From lying on the floor earlier, I learned that lying in that position helped ease some of the pain.”

“Interesting. I’ve ordered an X-ray. I want to rule out one more thing that came to my mind.”

“What would an X-ray find? Doesn’t that only check out the bones?” Miles asks.

“I thought of it being pericarditis, which is an inflammation of the sac-like tissue that is around the heart. If Rhiannon has that, then there would be a silhouette around her heart, which an X-ray will pick up. If we don’t see that shadow, then I’m sure that it would be GI related.”

“G.I.?” Noah asks.

“Gastrointestinal,” the doctor and I reply in unison. He turns to me. “You’ll be wheeled in there in a little bit. There’s currently a wait, but we’ll get you in there soon.”

“So wait, you don’t know what’s going on with her?” Noah asks.

“Not exactly, but until we get this X-ray, I can possibly narrow it down a little more,” he replies.

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