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“Does, um, blacking out during sex happen to you often?” he asks, standing and removing the condom.

“Well, it’s not often that I’m having sex. Mercy is a small town and all.” I smile lazily running my hand across my stomach.

Luke disappears out of my bedroom bare ass naked. I admire the globes of his tanned ass. They’re perfectly shaped peaches as he struts out of the room towards my bathroom. He returns later with a washcloth, leans down on the bed, and opens my legs. He places the warm cloth against my sex, and I hum in appreciation.

No man has even taken the time for after care with me before. It’s usually a situation of you got yours, albeit sometimes, and I got mine. Then we’re going to roll over and fall asleep. I haven’t had many long-term relationships, and the few that I have been in, the both of us got so comfortable that we were eventually in charge of our own orgasms.

“Well, being a doctor and all - I want to tell you that it’s likely not a good thing that you blacked out during sex. But being a man, I can’t help but to feel like I did something right.”

“Oh, you did something right for sure.” I nod happily.

He sure as hell did.

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