Page 6 of The Brute

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Chapter Four


Friday couldn’t have come soon enough.

I am eager to see Bella dressed in a gown, to have her on my arm, standing close to me, laughing with me, touching me.

I scowl. This isn't me. I'm not this person.

I arranged for a personal shopper and a stylist to tend to Bella this evening. I also gave her the afternoon off while I spent my day working from home. At the appointed time, I dress in my tuxedo and sit down to wait for Bella. The car I sent to pick her up was headed here to my home so we could leave for the gala together.

I’m sitting in my library, reading a thriller novel to avoid thoughts of anything but this evening, when the elevator chimes rescuing me from my attempts to keep distracted. When I hear that melodic sound, I toss my book aside and jump up to go greet my guest. I dash out of the library and into the hallway, buttoning my jacket as I go. Bella rounds the same corner while my eyes are looking down at my fingers working the buttons. Mrs. Rosemary, my cook and household manager, must have greeted Bella at the elevator and directed my guest to the library.

We crash into one another with an “oomph” and my hands reach out to steady her. I feel the magnetic pull of our bodies touching; it was brief, but it was there. I haven’t felt that zing in years, not since before everything happened in my last relationship with her.

“I’m sorry. The lady directed me in here,” she apologizes as she looks around. “I feel so weird being in your personal space.”

I would prefer she was a lot closer to my personal space.

“It’s cool. I was actually coming out to greet you,” I reply.

“Cool? You said cool,” she snickers.

“What? I’m human, you know,” I remind her.

“I know. It’s just that, in the office, you’re so to the point. No hip lingo. None of those everyday things you hear others say. You’re all businessy.”

“Isabella, I don’t believe businessy is a real word,” I tease.

Her eyes focus on something over my shoulder and widen. She pushes past me and stops in the center of the room, then turns her body so she gets a 360-degree view.

“What is this?” she whispers.

I walk to stand beside her and smile, my hands in my pockets.

“This is my library. it’s one of my favorite places in my home.”

“You read?”

“I’ve been told by previous professors that I have a skill for reading.”

“I’m sorry. What I meant is, you read?” She changes her tone slightly.

“I like to keep my brain fresh, so yes, I am an avid reader.”

“How many books are in here?” She motions around the room.

“Thousands. I’m not sure. I’ve never taken the tally. I take it you like books?” I ask her.

“Extremely. If I were home right now, my head would be between the pages of a book, or I would be swiping through pages on my eReader. I’m an equal-opportunity reader. As long as I’m reading, I’m happy.”

“Noted. Anyway, shall we go? I hate to pull you away from what may seem like your own personal heaven, but you can explore in here later.”

“Later?” she asks, as I put my hand on her elbow and escort her to the elevator. I ignore her inquiry and the questions in her eyes.

* * *

I didn’t take the time to appreciate properly how marvelous Bella looks until we’re standing in the press line to enter into the gala. Of course, this gala is Hollybrooke's single most important event of the year and the who’s who of the city is in attendance tonight.

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