Page 35 of The Brute

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“The tablet?” I ask Officer Simon who comes up beside me. He turns to one of the other officers and holds out his hand. The tablet is placed in his hands and he unlocks it, then enters into their database.

“Let me pull up the file. Ah, there it is. I take it you know him?” He hands me the tablet again with the mug shot on the screen.

“His name,” I say slowly, my anger boiling, “is Elliot Hunter.”

“And you are sure about that?” Officer Simon asks.

“As sure about his name as I am about my own. We were college roommates, best friends at the time. He was involved in a car accident with my fiancée ten years ago, a car accident that killed her,” I say with conviction.

Officer Simon nods and leaves the room. He returns a moment later and holds his hand out to me. I take his hand in mine and grasp it as we shake.

“I'm deeply sorry that you are having to deal with this. With your identification, we'll make sure we hold him. We need your company to file a loss report, and take down any information that we can.”

“I will have someone from my office call you to do the report. I would like to get back to the hospital now, if I can.”

He nods in understanding.

“I'll be in touch. Here's my card, call me and I'll give you any updates I can. I'll be in contact with the hospital too, and well, we'll need to get Ms. Dubois's statement when she is able.”

I take a cab back to the hospital and hope, just hope that she wakes when I get there. Her being asleep is killing me and now the fact that I know that Elliot Hunter, of all people, caused this to happen has my blood boiling again.

Why would he purposely cause this accident? What does he have to gain from this?

I walk into the hospital and make my way to the ICU and find her room empty. In a panic, I rush to the nurses' station.

“Her lungs collapsed. She was rushed into surgery about five minutes ago.”

“Why didn't anyone call me?” I yell.

“Sir. Please calm down. We only just now received an update on her status. We cannot give incomplete information. This is me telling you right now. I'm sorry, but that’s protocol.”

I simmer down and take a deep breath. “I'm sorry. This hasn't been the greatest of days.

“I know, sir, and for that I'm greatly sorry. Unfortunately, since she's not in her room, you'll have to wait in the waiting room just outside those doors. The doctor or one of the surgery nurses will come out and update you soon. I'll inform them you’re here.”

“I can't lose her,” I mumble.

“The doctors and nurses on her team are some of the best. She's in good hands.” The nurse rounds the station and guides me to the waiting room. She squeezes my shoulder and then turns to leave.

After a few moments of sitting in the uncomfortable chair sorting through feelings of anger and helplessness, I pull out my phone.

“Mrs. Rosemary,” I croak into the phone.

I tell her everything. I pour out my heart as if she were my mother. She listens and adds in encouraging words when I break for a breath. She confirms that she will make sure the company vehicle loss report is completed by calling the office. I ask her to get me contact information for Bella's parents and then we hang up. Minutes later, my cell phone chimes with a message that includes a phone number. I place the call to her family and relay all the information to her mother over the phone. With her mother's tears and words of encouragement weighing heavy on my heart, I sit in the waiting room, unsure of what will happen to my Bella, pissed off and questioning the reasons why all this has happened.

I'm not sure how long I wait for someone to come and update me. It could have been minutes or hours. Time has become lost to me.

My shoulder is nudged and someone sits beside me.

Mrs. Rosemary. There’s worry in her eyes, and silent questions.

“Is she… Is she okay?” she asks, her chin quivering.

“I'm still waiting,” I reply as a doctor walks up to us.

“The family for Ms. Dubois?” he asks.

I stand and prepare myself for the worst.

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