Page 29 of The Brute

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I stumble into the foyer once the elevator door opens, nearly crashing into the entry table. I drop my shoes, which I removed in the car ride over here, and hold onto the wall for support as I set off to locate Ben.

I giggle as thoughts from the night run hazily through my head. I bump into a framed picture on a wall and snort loudly.

“Hey, picture. Sorry,” I say through a fit of giggles. I try to right myself and continue down the hallway.

When did this hallway get so long? I get to the first doorway and remember that it's a bathroom. I pause in the doorway, holding onto both sides. Did I need to go to the bathroom? What am I doing here? I shrug and enter the bathroom, not sure how long I was in there or if I did anything. Either way, I flush and wash my hands. I look at the mirror in front of me and there is two of me, possibly three. I try to fix my hair, but give up and put it in a messy bun instead and then leave the confines of the small room.

I exit to the left and when I reach the picture on the wall again, I realize I went the wrong way and turn around to head in the direction of the bedroom. Again.

I continue to use the wall to guide me all the way to Ben's room. Once I am there, I feel relieved. I disrobe as I cross the room, leaving a trail of clothes on the floor, then crawl from the foot of the bed to his side. Ben wakes to the sudden movement and my clumsy attempts to nestle against him.

He brushes the hair away from my face and I think he smiles at me. I'm not sure. Up close, right now, he's blurry. But I can smell the spearmint toothpaste he uses and I smile.

“I can tell you had fun,” he comments.

“I had some, yes.” I slur. I know I'm slurring.

“Maybe too much fun?”

“There's nothing of a sort.” I hiccup.

“Let me grab you some water and aspirin and get you to sleep, yeah?” His tone is soothing.

“Okays.” I close my eyes and snuggle into the pillow.

Moments later, I wake to my shoulder being shaken. Ben holds out a glass and pills to me, pushing them closer when my eyes open a bit more. I lean up on my elbows and take the glass from him. I open my mouth and Ben smiles as he places the pills on my tongue. I chug the water and then hand the glass back to him.

“Sank you,” I mumble and lie back down, succumbing to sleep. I feel Ben get back into bed beside me and pull me to him. That’s the last thing I notice until morning.

Chapter Sixteen


Bella is lightly snoring beside me in the morning when I wake. She's curled up with one of her knees up to her chest. Half of the blankets are kicked off of her, and her arms are clutching the half of her pillow she is laying on. Her clothes are scattered all over the bedroom floor and she's comfortably naked. Her mouth is slightly open, and her hair covers most of her face. I go through the motions to get ready for work and wait until the last minute to wake her up.

I rub her shoulder and sit down beside her. She takes a moment before she opens her eyes and when she focuses on me, she looks surprised.

“What? How? Huh?” She fumbles for words.

“How do you feel?” I ask her quietly.

“Like I pretended that I was binge drinking last night. How did I get here?” she asks, confused. She sits up slowly, rubbing her forehead and squinting her eyes.

“I'm not entirely sure, but I'm hoping you got a ride somehow,” I say. “Are you up for work today, or are you calling in?”

“What time is it?” She looks at the clock. “Not that I'm trying to take advantage of our relationship or anything, but can I come in an hour or two late?”

“Of course, party animal,” I tease her, then kiss her forehead. “I'm going to get out of here. See you at the office. Take your time.”

“Thank you.” She smiles as she melts back into my bed. I turn and look at her before I leave. She's draped her arm over her eyes, her mouth is agape, and she's already snoring again.

She couldn’t be more beautiful.

I set a house system reminder to wake her up gently in an hour, and leave her a note fixed to the panel beside the elevator.

* * *

It’s noon when Bella comes in. She looks fresh, as if she hadn’t been completely drunk last night. She comes into my office once she settles in and sits in front of my desk. I'm on the phone with Ryder, discussing schedules, so she waits quietly.

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