Page 24 of The Brute

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“For fighting. For stopping me and explaining what I misunderstood.”

“Next time, don't run. I'm not holding you prisoner, but if you were ever to quit, I would at least hope we can talk through it before it reaches that point.”

“I promise.”

“The same goes for our personal relationship. No running.”

“No running,” she agrees, leaning into me.

My arms wrap around her and I bend down to take her lips softly with mine. Our connection lasts mere seconds before the office door opens and we jerk apart.

I wipe my face and look to whoever intruded on our moment. I meet the surprised eyes of Maggie. She opens and closes her mouth, unsure what to say. She quickly steps further into the office and shuts the door behind her.

“What the hell did I just walk into?” she whisper-shouts at us, slamming the folder she was holding onto the desk in front of us.

“Nothing,” Bella and I say in unison.

“Bullshit. That was definitely not nothing.”

“Listen, Maggie,” I start, but she holds up her hand in a request for silence.

“I need to speak to both of you, but separately. Benjamin, please leave Isabella's office. Do not leave the building; I will be in your office shortly.” She points to the door. “Fucking HR nightmare,” she mumbles.

Like an obedient child, I follow her directions. I offer a sympathetic look to Bella and mouth that I'm sorry before leaving her office.

I pace my office for what feels like an eternity before Maggie comes in, she closes the door and strides to the chair behind my desk. My chair. She points to the guest chair opposite her as she takes a seat.

“Maggie, listen,” I say. “We're adults here. And this is my company.”

“I've spoken with Isabella and she has confirmed that you did not force yourself on her.”

“Damn straight, I didn't. We're together; we have a relationship. It’s separate from work.”

“Ben, how could it be separate from work? Work is a part of who you are. It's a part of who we all are.” Maggie frowns.

“Once work is over, we are different people. We don't talk to one another as boss and assistant. We're equals.”

“While I have seen the change with you, and I love the fact that you have opened up to someone else, it's not professional to be in a relationship with your employee, especially an employee who reports directly to you. How can you be objective?”

I don't know how to answer that question. I try to think if I could handle a situation where I needed to be objective and I'm not entirely sure that I could. Have I made a mistake by getting involved with Bella? Was my attraction to her something I should have ignored?

I look Maggie in the eyes. “I appreciate you and what you do here, Maggie. But, as previously discussed, there is nothing in our employee handbooks forbidding fraternization between staff members. I hope that you will not hold anything against Isabella regarding what you walked in on. We will do better not to show any physical affection while at work. That was my mistake and I apologize. And I apologize for putting you in this position.”

She shakes her head. “Ben, I wish it were that simple,” she says, her tone full of regret.

“It is that simple. I'm the owner of this company and there are no grounds to do anything to Isabella's employment status here. I refuse to let you make her an example,” I say firmly.

“Adams Enterprises cannot be seen as a company where employees do whatever they want, that’s there is no meaning between a boss and their staff? Other staff members may see your relationship as an opportunity, and from that opportunity could come harassment lawsuits.”

“This relationship has been going on for almost four months, Maggie. Up until now, have you suspected anything going on between the two of us?” I ask.

“Aside from the photos from the gala, no,” she admits hesitantly.

“Then, like I said before, we will continue to refrain from being anything more than boss and employee at work. I do not want work to dictate my life. She's become a part of my life, and I do not want that to change.”

Maggie takes a deep breath. “Ben. I'm happy for you. Really, I am. I don't want anything to interfere with your happiness again,” she says sadly.

“Then don't take it away from me,” I plead.

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